Cool Thing: Sonic 3 Movie Trailer 2


the only things I could possibly want it to have that I’m pretty sure they *won’t* do are Amy or Rogue showing up predominantly, but at this point I’m thinking they might dedicate an entire movie to Amy showing up so as to not split tensions.



This May be the Last Doodles for a Few Months (Bad Vibes post)

(The above image is CC0. I can’t imagine anyone getting much from it though. There are no other drawings in this post, sorry.)

Not feeling super good.

I shouldn’t be surprised, we’re coming up close on the anniversary of my mother’s passing again. I’m sure some of the mood is just yearly conditioned habit now.

But I’m also really feeling the sense that the only people who believe most in the good in me haven’t seen the worst of me, and the people who have seen the worst of me have quietly decided to avoid me. Or maybe they’re just busy with their own hard times. Hard to tell.

I don’t want to stream. I don’t want to voice chat. I don’t want to Discord. And it’s been more than 5 years since I looked at social media and thought “yeah, this is better than a traditional blog with an RSS feed or some forums.”

So. I’m just gonna unplug a bit to try to find myself again. The anxious thoughts and doubts are coming from *me*. So I have to untangle it within myself.

Besides, I wanted an excuse to drop WordPress and get some other blog engine going. Might be a good excuse for me to learn a new techstack.

Not Really Feeling It

Because of Certain Racist Things happening *right now*, I am trying very hard to keep my friendly face on despite preparing and training to defend myself should the need come. Forgive me for needing some time to myself.

Anyway, here’s today’s doodles. Since I can’t stick to any character or body type for more than a few weeks at most, it might make more sense if I just pick a general “vibe” or “outfit” or “theme” and have that be the go-to when people ask me what I want to see made/drawn and I don’t feel comfortable asking for blatant kink stuff. So this was me toying around with the colors I like. All I’ve really settled on is “Big coat is kinda comfy. Mini vest/apron thingy makes for a good color splash and a bit of modesty. Thinking of leggings/thigh-highs/legwarmers as building clothes from the floor-up instead of how pants are designed from the waist down just works better for what I like.”

I still find the process of drawing tedious, fickle, and I continue to rush through it to keep time spent doing it as low as possible.
anyway uhhhh

Stay strong, y’all. Remember to treat yourself, find things you enjoy, check in on friends you like, and remember that your life is YOURS. May no law, rule, contract, or dogma prescribed to you ever rob you of agency over your own life.

Drawpile Doodles 26 Oct 2024

Drawpile attendance is relatively down so the vast majority of the canvas this time was just me. I woke up feeling a little low-energy but I’ve been actually getting good sleep the past 3-4ish nights so I guess the extra energy went into doodles? Or something? I dunno.

This character is from Inhuman the webcomic by Cial. She can be seen on pages and
Maya. A fixed up version of a sketch I saved earlier. ChaosBuster12 Asked: WHo’s Maya AnnMWhite: Maya is a one-off character who showed up in a story I half-wrote one time idk. I assume she’s just trying to work up money to get her own car so she can stop driving the family’s shared car, and then some stuff happens and she ends up doing a dubious sidegig that pays better and eventually becomes successful enough that she goes legit and makes the side thing her main job. Aside from that, not a lot of detailed background
I like the idea of Squee Helibusters being able to kick-jump off of their own shells for double-jump type shenanigans just like Ori’s Bash technique, even if it kinda breaks the rules of the setting being a fairly “possible/plausible” kind of soft sci-fantasy.
stomped on! Squish
I describe Squee as kinda like “giant bunnies or mimigas” and Squee Helibuster as being kinda like “yoshi-esque-raptor-dragon-thingies” but really, given how I draw them, they’re much closer to kangaroos and I might make that a lore thing.
This started as me looking at one of those memetic “sexy kangaroo” photos and trying to sketch the pose, and then it sorta loosely turned into Terra Netty.
This is probably closer to the body-type I wanted for Nyx, but really this was just an excuse for a low-angle perspective shot with groin and paws and whatever else it is I seemingly doodle on autopilot.
Pinks / First Post holding a cat friend via tail power and seconds before a BIG SQUISHY HUG squish
Kangaroo backside. Not really sure what’s up with this one, probably just sitting beachside.
Fleet is from Dungeons of Aether and joins the roster of Rivals of Aether 2 as a playable fighter. There’s a silly trend where people draw her without pants and I wanted to toy with that too. The idea of her starting her day fully dressed and with pretty solid armor and cape only to have her pants vanish instantly and without obvious explanation in the middle of the day makes me laugh and it sounds like something she’d actually end up dealing with someday.
I’m gonna probably call this blue character Nyx as a counterpart to the purple and green character Vex. They weren’t really meant to be this humanoid.

Still Having Sleeping Issues

Friday Night / Saturday Morning around 4AM I decided to try 1/4th of a melatonin gummy (the package suggests one gummy is 5mg – the typical daily limit for an adult- and that the package’s recommended serving is 10 mg- which is probably more than one should really be having without consulting a doctor)
1: I was surprised that it was gooey, not really a tablet like I expected.

2: I slept 14 hours, effectively losing my entire Saturday and waking up darn close to midnight on Sunday. I’ve been awake since then and I don’t really have a good plan for resetting my sleep needs since most likely I’m going to probably suddenly get sleepy and fall out around mid-day today.

3: Last week I kinda told some people I was planning to do kind of an important thing today, but since my sleep is messed up and my emotional state is kinda hit-or-miss I’m not sure I should actually do it _today_ I should probably wait until I’m in a good state to handle a high-emotion scenario.

4: If I’ve been dodging answering “how’s your day going?” It’s probably because the funky sleep + work needs + funky emotions = most answers I could give would bring the mood of the chat down, so I’m deliberately answering that question less unless I am in fact in a good mood. Or if the chat in question is a Serious Mode type of chat. But earlier this week I accidentally ruined one of my friends’s livestream with dumb low-sleep logic and it was bad enough that they ended the stream and then I felt really bad about that because in most cases doing something enough to cause the stream to end is absolutely a bannable offense. So uh… until I can at least get a reliable 2 hour nap on a schedule, I’m still gonna be a bit more reserved on what I post and where.

I think that’s it for the status update?

Some fun stuff:
* The first episode of the new Ranma 1/2 is out on Netflix and I enjoyed that a lot more than I expected. It’s got some parts that I’m a little antsy about, but they got to the matter of Ranma’s sex-swapping very quickly and it wasn’t kept as a secret from his romantic interests. So that’s cool, but I’m still hoping later episodes of the show don’t start getting too Weird about the sex thing. And I know different cultures view that kinda different too so… I just dunno. Admittedly it’s a little frustrating that the core of the show revolves around an unwanted curse that the character has to deal with that darn near most of my friends would absolutely punch somebody to have put upon them. But the dysphoric element of it is still relatable.

* Agatha All Along has been a great mystery thriller adventure so far with lotsa fun bits and only a moderate amount of blood. I’m a bit worried it’s going to get more violent by the end, but I’m already invested in seeing it through. I’m absolutely convinced Agatha is going to kill everyone by the end, but I really really really hope she has a change of heart and doesn’t because I already like this coven a lot. But given “witch killer” has seemingly been her identity since before the events of Wandavision, odds are not looking great.

* Played Soulstone Survivors. It’s OK. Grindy, kinda more Gauntlet Legends than Vampire Survivors and it’s not really meant to ever be an “afk-game” from what I can tell because inevitably enemies and bosses *will* do direct-targeting attacks, you are unlikely to have a build that can tank that until mid-level, and you’re unlikely to have any character that can out-dps to the point of screen-clearing all ranged attackers even if you’re already grinded a character’s talent trees very high.

* I tried Voids Vigil, a shump-survival type game by the makers of Boneraiser Minions. I… don’t really like it very much at all unfortunately, but it’s in early access. It feels like it wants to be way more of a shmup, but it doesn’t have the music nor the bright exciting colors that get me hype for a shmup.

*I experimented with modding Quake but I don’t really seem to like *playing* Quake or Quake 2 very much and I can’t really figure out any specific reason why. And I didn’t really figure out how to do extra scripting type modding without having to recompile the game so I kinda just put it down for now.

* I also tried a little bit of Half-Life / Half-Life: Source with consideration for modding. Source didn’t seem to like my gamepad for input. Non-Source worked just fine with my gamepad. I played far enough to get the HEV suit and stopped there. I get the impression Half-Life is not really my kind of videogame. I like how it looked, though! It’s the specific era of 3D videogame environment graphics that kinda locked into my brain.

  • Finished Yars Rising a week or two ago, I enjoyed that quite a lot. While it is primarily a Metroidvania-y type of game, there is a good bit of classic Yars-style gameplay in there too, especially when going to 100% achievements since the Hack List is pretty much all YARS gameplay and no Emi. There was a reward for clearing it too! Though I don’t see myself using said reward much.

Another Drawpile Day

Doodles from the Drawpile today/yesterday. i’m not feeling super great right now so I’m not planning to add much commentary.

middle doodles are CC0, references on the sides are not.



CC0 too but I can’t imagine anyone getting much use from this.

This should probably be BUNS but BUSN makes me laugh because I’ve seen people use the phrase “bussin” which also kinda makes me laugh

I keep hearing the phrase “GULPING IT DOWN” in my head

uhhh okay I think that’s it I’m gonna get a snack and play games or something

Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome

Today I learned there’s a specific term for the symptoms I’ve been dealing with lately:

And apparently it’s known for this to last for months. That’s. Not fun.

Most of the worst of it has passed, I think, but I still occasionally get some of those symptoms. The most annoying ones being extreme sensitivity to sounds/light for a while, falling asleep seemingly at random, and then waking up feeling fully energized seemingly at random and then suddenly running out of that fully energized feeling and just feeling tired but unable to sleep for hours.

I dunno. I’ll manage. I don’t plan to go back to taking those meds if I don’t have to. But I figured now that I know there’s an actual term for what’s happening to me, I should probably make a note of that somewhere.

Sudden Cookiss VS Pancaken(ing)

so what I’m thinking right now is that the dragon fairies are typically small and not particularly physically strong, so while they were able to copy the power of Embiggening from Bunnies, they had to use tools to compensate for other things that were biological traits of their inspiration. So the Cookie Kiss Cookis thingy is like. small sweet tasty edible projectile. And the pancake makes things flat like a pancake! But they spring back out unflat after little bit, so you can launch off like a trampoline. The pancake itself is edible
I’m revisiting the older design of Variable Sugar who I’m sure I had redesigned since the original, but I can’t find it. Anyway, in this iteration of the design, Variable Sugar was one of the fairies who decided to follow Big when she decided to seek out the homeland of the rabbits. Where Sugar came from, when she was young and rabbits were still common, fairies were considered a common companion to bunnies and they often shared food and housing openly with each other. While at at land of the bunnies, she got hungry and found a packet of familiar Carrot Crisps. She snuck into the package to eat, but was spotted by Kazhooey who couldn’t tell what was in her food, but knew it was some kind of pest. She struck, knocking Sugar unconscious. She is found the next day by Ribbon Badge, a bit confused and unable to quite recall recent events very well at all.

She had always been a playful, mischievous, and playful personality since she was young. But after her injury, she seems to get her feelings all jumbled and mixed together. So while she’s a bit more defensive and outspoken about trying to stay safe, when she decides she wants to do something that seems fun, those moments of fun seem uh disproportionately intense and energetic and will continue until she’s exhausted or trapped and restrained. She has an Embiggening tool similar to RB’s, but it is only compatible with Deluge/Berry type actions and only has two cartridge slots available.
Jackie is one of the residents of Nueva Esperanza. She typically only wears a few bags for carrying fishing gear and some boots to make it easier to navigate mucky terrain without getting stuck. While it’s an open secret that she is the most promiscuous person living in Esperanza and has a record of trouble-making from excessive drinking, she is also one of the most prolific fishers and writers living in the area and that is very useful for keeping everyone fed and keeping a flow of revenue/value to trade with other areas. She has a fluid and unpredictable martial arts style all about going with the flow. The vaguely ghost-like patterns on her thighs are said to glow when the spirits of ancestors are watching and proud. In a pinch, she can also use her fishing gear as makeshift weapons.

She was one of the people who was suspected during a trio of murders in the area. It was quickly evident that she was not the killer and in fact had almost been a victim. But while she had a good hunch who was responsible, she refused to share the information when asked. She never says why she refused, but she was almost certainly scared of retaliation.
An earlier sketch of what I hoped would fit for Jackie before I looked around for other references.
I didn’t design this one. But when I saw the super shiny blues and how well it contrasts with the orange I knew I had to keep the design around until I can work on it more. I definitely want to give this one maybe a white coat or vest or something so that the eyes aren’t drawn directly to the chest and groin. But I think their casual look without any of the clothing probably will work just fine, if a little bit on the generic side.
Can’t remember what I meant to name this one, but I think the general color scheme is going to stay about the same. The idea is that Hard Reset is very fond of this particular Helibuster and wants to spend more time with them. But while on what should be been a routine scouting task, things escalate when mercs kick off their arson plot, and this one can’t find a way out of it. And well, Squee and Helibuster have an *extremely* explosive reaction to high heat. Rez’s own training and performance scores skyrocket after that, but they have an open disdain for the simulator training because it’s “not real, it’s too systematic, too predictable, too safe”.
Awww, I can relate to that
*nosebumps and nosebumps nosebumps and hides in ur pillow OwO*

What If I Could Do My Own Vocals?

(Without giving myself a case of disphoria and self-loathing I mean?)

Anyway I watched this video (and a couple others from this channel) recently and it’s SO COOL.

Makes me really really want to get more serious about music again. Has me fantasizing about mock up cartoon intros and rhythm games and stuff. But I think for now I might just want to try to remember to cycle between guitar, keyboard, 3d modeling, and sketch animation on my time off. Or writing. I dunno, just gotta stop letting myself get in ruts of doing the same one thing on loop for extended periods.

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