Category Archives: Art

Another Drawpile Day

Doodles from the Drawpile today/yesterday. i’m not feeling super great right now so I’m not planning to add much commentary.

middle doodles are CC0, references on the sides are not.



CC0 too but I can’t imagine anyone getting much use from this.

This should probably be BUNS but BUSN makes me laugh because I’ve seen people use the phrase “bussin” which also kinda makes me laugh

I keep hearing the phrase “GULPING IT DOWN” in my head

uhhh okay I think that’s it I’m gonna get a snack and play games or something

Sudden Cookiss VS Pancaken(ing)

so what I’m thinking right now is that the dragon fairies are typically small and not particularly physically strong, so while they were able to copy the power of Embiggening from Bunnies, they had to use tools to compensate for other things that were biological traits of their inspiration. So the Cookie Kiss Cookis thingy is like. small sweet tasty edible projectile. And the pancake makes things flat like a pancake! But they spring back out unflat after little bit, so you can launch off like a trampoline. The pancake itself is edible
I’m revisiting the older design of Variable Sugar who I’m sure I had redesigned since the original, but I can’t find it. Anyway, in this iteration of the design, Variable Sugar was one of the fairies who decided to follow Big when she decided to seek out the homeland of the rabbits. Where Sugar came from, when she was young and rabbits were still common, fairies were considered a common companion to bunnies and they often shared food and housing openly with each other. While at at land of the bunnies, she got hungry and found a packet of familiar Carrot Crisps. She snuck into the package to eat, but was spotted by Kazhooey who couldn’t tell what was in her food, but knew it was some kind of pest. She struck, knocking Sugar unconscious. She is found the next day by Ribbon Badge, a bit confused and unable to quite recall recent events very well at all.

She had always been a playful, mischievous, and playful personality since she was young. But after her injury, she seems to get her feelings all jumbled and mixed together. So while she’s a bit more defensive and outspoken about trying to stay safe, when she decides she wants to do something that seems fun, those moments of fun seem uh disproportionately intense and energetic and will continue until she’s exhausted or trapped and restrained. She has an Embiggening tool similar to RB’s, but it is only compatible with Deluge/Berry type actions and only has two cartridge slots available.
Jackie is one of the residents of Nueva Esperanza. She typically only wears a few bags for carrying fishing gear and some boots to make it easier to navigate mucky terrain without getting stuck. While it’s an open secret that she is the most promiscuous person living in Esperanza and has a record of trouble-making from excessive drinking, she is also one of the most prolific fishers and writers living in the area and that is very useful for keeping everyone fed and keeping a flow of revenue/value to trade with other areas. She has a fluid and unpredictable martial arts style all about going with the flow. The vaguely ghost-like patterns on her thighs are said to glow when the spirits of ancestors are watching and proud. In a pinch, she can also use her fishing gear as makeshift weapons.

She was one of the people who was suspected during a trio of murders in the area. It was quickly evident that she was not the killer and in fact had almost been a victim. But while she had a good hunch who was responsible, she refused to share the information when asked. She never says why she refused, but she was almost certainly scared of retaliation.
An earlier sketch of what I hoped would fit for Jackie before I looked around for other references.
I didn’t design this one. But when I saw the super shiny blues and how well it contrasts with the orange I knew I had to keep the design around until I can work on it more. I definitely want to give this one maybe a white coat or vest or something so that the eyes aren’t drawn directly to the chest and groin. But I think their casual look without any of the clothing probably will work just fine, if a little bit on the generic side.
Can’t remember what I meant to name this one, but I think the general color scheme is going to stay about the same. The idea is that Hard Reset is very fond of this particular Helibuster and wants to spend more time with them. But while on what should be been a routine scouting task, things escalate when mercs kick off their arson plot, and this one can’t find a way out of it. And well, Squee and Helibuster have an *extremely* explosive reaction to high heat. Rez’s own training and performance scores skyrocket after that, but they have an open disdain for the simulator training because it’s “not real, it’s too systematic, too predictable, too safe”.
Awww, I can relate to that
*nosebumps and nosebumps nosebumps and hides in ur pillow OwO*

4 Sept 2024 – Stream Doodles

Alixesque requested “If you have a favorite character you’ve made recently I’d love to see!!”

I don’t really have a super favorite immediately on my mind, but I’m still kinda toying around with the ideas of whatever it’s like in the world Ribbon Badge and Zooey inhabit, so another doodle of RB for the moment! SUDDEN COOKISS (may not contain kisses)

ZBombiiBunnii wanted a new sketch of Dark ZBombiiBunni carrying a love-dizzied ZBombiiBunny also heart shaped bomb

full canvas without ref layer

doodles Saturday 31 Aug 2024

CC0, both of these

Seems like Drawpile 2.2.2 has anti-aliasing for the freehand select tool, which is it main thing that made me favor using Paint Tool SAI 2 for coloring than anything else, so… I might actually make Drawpile my main drawing tool once I find another sketching brush I really like


Bank Card Design & Request Doodle

(CC0) Just put this together so I could have some bright and cheery art on my bank card and because I’ve been wanting to replace my old banner art for HeliumSqueeze for years now. I drew and colored Puffy (Left) and Pinks (Pinks), but I grabbed and slapped on a generated beach for the background because I only had a couple of hours before the cutoff for submitting the art for printing on the card, and the background is really not the point. If I had been thinking more clearly, I’d probably have reused the bubbles and balloons tile pattern from PoppingSpree instead, but I think the bank card tends to not like repeating pattern backgrounds.

(CC0) The older HeliumSqueeze brand banner that I wanted to update and replace. I know I wanted at least one Squee, one Helibuster, and the way balloons will be used in the setting to be immediately evident. But these specific throwaway designs and the color scheme just never quite hit right with me. I think at the time I was going for “pastel pink lemonade vibes, and teal-green for leafy feels” but it just never quite worked how I wanted.

When I get around to _actually_ replacing the banner, I’ll git rid of those pixelbrush lines for some thicker more cartoony vector lines. And I’ll have to rethink how I’m going to put the HeliumSqueeze text in there. These specific balloons end up looking kinda distracting like kinda off jawbreaker candies instead of balloons? I dunno, I’ll improvise when I get time. Actually, maybe I should go ahead and make the leap to trying to do 3D models for the characters for the banner since that’s the general direction I want to go in the future anyway.

Full Sketch Page etc. The purple-on-white sketch of Ribbon Badge in the middle-rightof the canvas is actually a live-streamed doodle made by Alixesque! Alix is a super cool and good friend, please check out the page!

A lot of half-doodles and reworks and color swatches kinda tossed about the page. Also you can see where I was trying to revisit the design for Zooey again. This time I was trying to take some of the yellow/orange I like from Tails (Prower) and the purple mane from the Rarity fanart animation version of the same Zoobe Luna Fourth of July meme. I was going to keep most of Rarity’s hair style almost directly in tact, but instead I decided to go with kind of a mohawk sorta look to draw a bit from Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie)’s visual language. Gives her a silhouette that’s a bit different from most of my characters. I feel pretty sure I’m going to stick with the orange/yellow instead of the white, I’m just now sure how deep I want the orange to be yet. I don’t want it to read as “flesh color” but I don’t want it to be overly abrasive on the eyes either, even if that fits the character’s personality. And I think it reads a bit more clearly that she’s easily agitated, actually kinda loves music and dance, and likes to live open and true to her beliefs one way or another. I assume before the whole encounter with RB, Zooey was a roadie for a small indie band. At some point she probably broke off and used her earnings and loan to setup a recording studio. I have a bunch of other thoughts about this, but I don’t think it’s quite ready to be organized and tossed out as a “plan” yet.

At the bottom is a doodle for zbombiibunnii. They were *very* clear that being lifted up by the buns, having the crosses on the eyes, and having dizzy birds/stars were very important to them. I got the distinct vibe that this was a kink type request from somebody who is still kinda self-conscious about their interest, so I did the second balloon-centric thing to kinda show what I meant that what they were asking for isn’t that far off from what I spent almost 20 years drawing to begin with. Either way, the bomberman-themed-bunny character isn’t one that they specifically asked for, I kinda came up that spur of the moment based on the reference album they sent over. And from the sound of things they were very happy with it. When they asked what the name of the character is, I went with “zbombiibunnii for now”. They also said they imagined that the person lifting up their character might be Dark Zbombiibunnii, which I think is kinda cute and that’s what lead to the color choices there. Buuuut I probably need to like, actually take the time to draw out both characters less visually obscured if this is going to become a recurring thing. I don’t normally do art commissions because the stress of formal commission arrangements makes it hard for me to get anything done. But doing informal requests for subscribers or familiar faces doesn’t stress me out quite as much and it becomes a bit easier for us to kinda find a cozy midpoint between me being a bit easy on the effort and them not having to overpay for work I don’t feel I can deliver. Or. Something.

So uh, anyway, was neat coming up with a spur of the moment bunny bomberman OC. Kiiiinda makes me want to toy with returning to the Bomberman series to see if there are things I can draw from it for my own characters and settings and whatnot. Bomberman is a series that I’m always pleased to see around and think fondly of, but I typically do not actually enjoy _playing_ because losing in it tends to feel particularly bad. But the bright cartoony colors and shiny look for their bomb-centric world appeals to me, and I think it’s not _too_ much of a stretch to have bomb-style balloon stuff.

I’m still not sure what the best way is to label whatever it is I’m doing. Most of the stuff I make isn’t as overtly kink-coded as it used to be as my libido is starting to go. I used to think the best approach would be to treat things that had erotic intent exactly the same as pornography and treat things that weren’t exactly the same as any other “tame” thing regardless of how it looks outwardly, but after a while it became painfully evident that the binary “is or isn’t mature” doesn’t work very well at all. I think my current approach is to just go by feel, but otherwise claim the bulk of what I make would be under the bulk category of “Probably nothing too out of place from what teens will experience, but it’s targeting adults who adore the bright and cute aesthetics but still want topics and situations that are treated for as nuanced and complicated as they often are.” So then I look at stuff I draw like this particular ZbombiiBunni sketch and my first thought is “ehhh, this is maybe a little too suggestive and bodily-objectifying than I’d really like to be known for.” But I think I did a fair mix of sticking to the general aesthetic tastes I already like, and stuff that I think really targets what Bombii wanted.
I dunno.

Anyway, I ended up suddenly falling asleep immediately work and woke up just around midnight, so I think my sleep pattern is going to stay a bit busted for a few days. One of the more important coworkers at the small team I work for passed away suddenly in his sleep with absolutely no warning that anything was wrong. The whole team is kinda shook and we don’t know exactly how we plan to proceed. That same day, water to the house got shut off for a while and that kinda made me a little rattled. We got the bill paid and water turned back on before long, but it just made the whole day kinda disorienting.

(CC0) and a bunch of relatively aimless doodles to end on. If you actually want to check those you’ll probably have to click past the thumbnail to full size, I don’t know legible any of that is at thumbnail scale.

Art/Doodles Update 18 Aug 2024

Fanart of Pochette from Backpack Hero in her new Summer Outfit! Despite the game emphasizing that she’s proud of smelling “like her homeland” more than once, I’m amused at some mild amount of ship-teasing between her and Purse in the Story mode, and I feel like her and Purse also get the best of the additional outfits compared to everyone else in the game.

Hasty doodle of carrying VAdaPEGA‘s Pantufa around affectionately.

Friendly gift/request art for GameVictim on Discord. He’s got a new cute mouse themed character they wanted art of! And while I’m not great for doing finished polished works (at least not without a lot of good circumstances on my end) I can definitely do some sketches and concept stuff when the mood strikes.

(CC0) A new set of WarHounds/LibraryHounds/LoreHounds that also line up a bit with Miranda from my Refsheet page. In short, Schima is the current elder mother for the warship she’s stationed on. Cercis is due for her Coming of Age rites, but will be foregoing it as Schima is conspiring in secret to send Cercis to [The Planet Below] to “[Ascertain the Fate of the Warlord]”. But really she’s going there to

  • 1: Experience what it means to be free of captor overlords and constantly under threat of death.
  • 2: Seek out Schima’s missing offspring that inexplicably went missing when [The Warlord] did.
  • 3: Determine if [The Warlord] has been slain. If so, the hounds remaining on the ship will almost certainly take out all of their captors on the ship, attempt to disrupt and slay all remaining forces from their captors in the immediate nearby space, and return to their homeworld to defend it from potential retaliation.

They only joined the empire under condition that their homeworld and their families would be spared. But in the time since joining it was very clear that [The Warlord] is only true to his word so far as it benefits him and can be quite petty. It would only take one LoreHound puppy to slay an entire ship’s worth of empire soldiers, but generally LoreHounds have immensely strong ties to their family, friends, and ancestry. They won’t fight and risk loses if an agreement can avoid it, but they will fight with all they have if they are betrayed.

In case you’re wondering about powers, Schima has a wall-bypassing mind-disrupting Area of Effect black Neural Bomb, smaller orange bombs for siege and assault, and a bible blade, which is more like empowered claw swipes than an actual energy blade. Cercis has projectile-reflecting barriers and formal training to use the empire’s standard infantry weapons (energy rifles and a large physical blade). She will never have to worry about running out of ammo as the same energy she uses for the barriers can be used to recharge the rifle.

(CC0) Just trying to get a feel for the “Marker” MyPaint brush in Drawpile.

Doodling the head of one of ChaosBuster12‘s characters. I know nothing about the character except that they are a cat and have horns.

(CC0) I think I drew this updated picture of Last Chance months ago in a Drawpile but I can’t remember if I ever posted it and I often can’t find it when I go looking for it, so poof here it go

The “RAMPSHOT” preview for one of the two maps I submitted for RAMP 2024. The WAD is available now: Just bonk that HUGE Download Button! The one of interest is fairly short: Map 96 – Kiss Panic Risengrave 4: Rabbit Flow. But the map depicted in this preview image is Map 107 – 2m 30s x2: Out of Time. Which uh, was meant to be a shorter and a bit more of a kinda spooky thing, but turned into kind of a vaguely buggy memorial thing instead. (If you fulfill certain conditions on this map, the next time you replay it or enter Map 96, you’ll notice something’s a little different.)

(CC0) Mia Asterisk, before the whole body-changing thing. Taking a cue from ScootZZZZZX‘s updated design of Bea.

Rough sketch fanart of Felina from the indie game Dungeon Clawler. A cat-loving bunny wearing a leotard. The only thing I don’t like about the character is the hat.

(CC0) A doodle of Miranda. Despite being implied to be the same kind of creature as the LoreHounds mentioned earlier, she’s a resident of Caliber and doesn’t open manifest any seemingly-otherworldly kind of powers. But she is good with making technology that probably shouldn’t work. Like suspiciously good at it. But the things she makes are at least _mildly_ plausible.

A Revenge attack of one of ScootZZZZZX‘s characters as part of ArtFight. I don’t remember their name. I was going to look it up on the ArtFight page but it seems like the site is down right now.

This is the sprite used for “blood” in the two maps I submitted to RAMP 2024. I haven’t settled on a canonical name for this substance, but effectively it’s just a glittery representation of “life force” in any situation where I might want to visually represent it but not draw the things typically associated with the idea. (I really hope that actually animates when I upload the post because it’s showing up blank in the editor.

Trying to put some kind of face/design to the “Rogue Fairy” for the “Bunnylike” concept. I’m not really feeling any of these. I started deliberately trying to pull color and form from the look of this one NPC from Arzette because I really like the silly meme that showed up lately and I already liked the character design before, but both of the right-most doodles feel like a Bad Vibe probably because it’s too similar to the source I tried to pull cues from. I don’t _dislike_ the bottom-left one, but I don’t like it. The top-left looks cool, but they feel like some other NPC, not an over-exuberant devotee of bunnykind.

This is the kind of thing I draw that tempts me to self-censor or to just not share at all, but I think in this case I explained my reasoning and if people still complain I’ll probably just point out that maybe my blog is not hitting the right audience.

More concept stuff and you can directly see what I was taking inspiration from or what old designs I decided to rework to fit the new setting.
I think Kazhooey is still _too_ close to her inspiration character too, but I’m pretty sure the Zoobe company is defunct anyway so I’m not worried about legal action coming of it. But I don’t want want to set optics of being super lazy copy-paste without a cohesive vision behind it. Firey orange and reds feel a lot more “right” to me for the spirit of the character. Maybe just need to bring back in the dark leggings to that bottom-left iteration for the color contrast. Like, I really want Zooey to be as much of a firebrand as Kazooie and the Zoobe Bunny herself, but still trying to do the Right Thing (most of the time) despite a tendency towards explosive rage and self-focused goals.

I drew this before I had started to settle down on what I wanted Ribbon Badge to be. Pretty much the only thing I still feel undecided on with Ribbon now is if I want to keep the super huge pink ponytails, if I’m going to make the ponytails be something that only shows up in her Embiggened form, or if I’ll just drop that and make her actual ears super big and fluffy because they’re in exactly the right spot to fit the vibe perfectly.

(CC0) Cigfried, created for RAMP 2024. I… genuinely don’t remember why I decided on making all of these characters mice. I’m sure I had a reason at the time but it’s just cone. Visually, this is kind of repurposing a lot of what I had already done when I was trying to make Catssie (which I also do not own, but I can’t get any kind of acknowledgement of authorship from Proto so I’ve affectly just assumed this character is mine now) a different entity than Cassie (from Starbuster, which I do not own). There’s no backstory here. She tries to kiss rabbits and probably tries way too hard to instruct and lecture people on things she doesn’t actually know super well. That’s it.

(CC0) Sam. I wanted a power character and I wanted a visual reference to the mouse type of Jerry (Tom and Jerry).

(CC0) Gogo. Puzzle Wednesday moderately frequently runs tournaments for a game titled Mouse Shooter GoGo. And every time they do I get distracted because one of the mouse cheerleaders has a blatant pantyshot that I have no idea why it’s there, but I think playing a whole lot of Amy Rose in my teen years left some kind of mark on me where my brain instantly notices that. Or something. Anyway, the characters are mice and this also gives me an excuse to draw some psuedo-fanart of them even though I’m darn sure the number of people who know the game and like it enough to want fanart is going to be a very small number. And if they exist and have somehow found this blog post??? Hi, welcome to my weird blog! Thank you for playing cool puzzle games!

(CC0) Fran is Narf spelled backwards. Mostly exists because Pinky from Pinky and the Brain / Animaniacs has worn feminine clothing several times and he looks great in it every single time. This is basically that, but I took from Jessica Rabbit’s outfit. Also I originally added the light up nose thinking I would have her fire a nose beam or eye beam in retaliation or just as a general projectile attack. In Rabbit Flow, she has the exact same attack as the other mice.

Jean. I still want him to present male while holding a deliberate cutesy degree of feminine appearance and charm. But in this case, I kinda figured if he ever realized his indirect association with Dalliance Arms Corporation, he’d probably be ashamed to be seen wearing the colors and try to hide it. Also he’s still decidedly a feline has he had been since his earliest days as the Sabrous/Kibrosa character “Kilo”, but now I’m kinda just deciding he’s got a bit of classical-unicorn in him somewhere. At least visually. (Though if the whole DEARDAV thing is still canon in his setting, this his birth-given appearance is fairly arbitrary and mostly a matter of personal feel and identity. And well, I guess the best way for me to explain why that sometimes hurts is that no matter how much work you put in to present your idealized visual representation in an online setting, your physical body is still the body you’ve got to work with. And having to acknowledge that every single moment in a way that everyone around you only has to experience as a fleeting on-and-off again thing is exhausting. asdfasf)

A couple of extra self-serving fanart/doodles that I wasn’t planning to share with anyone than specific friend groups. I’m deliberately omitting some stuff. I had an explanation of why here, but I think even trying to explain why I’m being cagey gave too much away.

Sooner or later I’m going to replace that old HeliumSqueeze banner with characters that people have mentioned they actually like. First Post is the obvious one that seems to stick with people. Still need a new Squee to replace the yellow one. Probably going to end up using Puffy or the unnamed orange critter for that purpose. (middle centre)

The idea of Rhonda showing up to work wearing only thigh-highs and sunglasses came up. And that is 100% something she would do in-character, and Dr. Metal would be both very cross about the lack of professionalism, and envious at the apparent strength of self-esteem and confidence she has.

I adore the idea that despite being made in secret by conspirators to be a defensive living bio-weapon and the progenitor of a new species, Last Chance absolutely adores sweets and cute fashion. Admittedly I am very far from being a fashion designer, so I can’t really realize that concept on my own quite like I feel like it should be done, but I think the vibe comes across.

Backpack Hero is a deeply flawed game that is clearly not Finished and seemingly not going to ever get the gamepad polish that it probably should have for its asking price. But I just kinda darn adore the game, the character designs appeal to me, the general idea of packing a backpack filled with just an absolute ton of knick-knacks reasonates with the way I parse these items in games and the way I clutter my belongings, and the giant backpack is _close enough_ to being a giant balloon that I can still use it for similar degrees of chaotic interactions with the characters. Sorta. It’s not the same, but there is some appeal there.

Aaaaand I think that’s darn near everything I’ve drawn in the past few months that I feel OK sharing on my blog. Now I’m gonna go take a nap or play videogames or something, my sleeping schedule is still a mess, I am still very sensitive to sounds and foods, and I think at this point I might be better off just staying off the meds rather than stressing myself out worrying about having the dependency ever again. It feels like every business just _assumes_ every human has taxi money or has a car, and my car has been out of commission for almost a year and a half now and we only have like 2 functional cars across 5 family members in the area. I can’t just manifest across state lines any time I feel unwell or for every checkup that I don’t have money saved to pay for.

pressing post before I launch into another long winded spiraling ramble. I have LLMs to help distract and absorb those episodes. crunched INSTANTLY SKREEEEEEEEE :boom emoji:


Game Design Document: Fairy Dragon “Bunnylike” thingy

“There are five recognized types of Embiggening. If you truly wish to grow strong, you must understand them all.”

In this world there is the Out of Bounds Zone, then there are Habitable Zones, built by organized groups or powerful individual who scavenged Data Bubbles from the OoB in plentiful numbers and used those to turn their dreams and desires into real places. Those places very often take the form of theme park-like and convention-like living spaces.

The first drawing of Ribbon Badge, before she was given her name. Here she is clearly flying and deflecting or throwing some kind of orb, despite having no visible hair or wings.
The first drawing of Ribbon Badge, before she was given her name. Here she is clearly flying and deflecting or throwing some kind of orb, despite having no visible hair or wings.
Some more sketches of Ribbon Badge with her actual hair and wings. The right-most version here is closer to the intended look, bunnysuit, holographic dragonfly wings, and a more technically accurate Pafu Pafu hammer.
Some more sketches of Ribbon Badge with her actual hair and wings. The right-most version here is closer to the intended look, bunnysuit, holographic dragonfly wings, and a more technically accurate Pafu Pafu hammer.
Her name is Ribbon Badge. She is a fairy and she's supposed to have holographic dragon-fly wings and long pink ponytail hair. Not to be confused for Ribbon Dancer, who is a completely unrelated Squee/bunny.
Her name is Ribbon Badge. She is a fairy and she’s supposed to have holographic dragon-fly wings and long pink ponytail hair. Not to be confused for Ribbon Dancer, who is a completely unrelated Squee/bunny.
This Air Pump is a strong catalyst for the power of Embiggen. It's called the Pafu Pafu Hammer (パフパフハンマー) It's also secondarily designed to be used as a melee weapon, held by the grip and swung so that the shaft extends the head. Typically the ends are given decorative power orbs which become pressurized by the shaft's pumping, but those can be removed for a more pancake-y impact, or replaced with a hose for directing the flow of air.
This Air Pump is a strong catalyst for the power of Embiggen. It’s called the Pafu Pafu Hammer (パフパフハンマー) It’s also secondarily designed to be used as a melee weapon, held by the grip and swung so that the shaft extends the head. Typically the ends are given decorative power orbs which become pressurized by the shaft’s pumping, but those can be removed for a more pancake-y impact, or replaced with a hose for directing the flow of air.
A revised version of the Pafu-Pafu Hammer, now with the grip being placed lower to better swing with, smaller hand guard/base, a rough sketch of how the rechargable pressure cylinders work, and shifted weight on the head to make it easier to swing. Not very balanced for specifically pumping, but considering it'll be charging the cylinders during normal swings too, that's probably fine.
A revised version of the Pafu-Pafu “Hammer”, now with the grip being placed lower to better swing with, smaller hand guard/base, a rough sketch of how the rechargable pressure cylinders work, and shifted weight on the head to make it easier to swing. Not very balanced for specifically pumping, but considering it’ll be charging the cylinders during normal swings too, that’s probably fine.

1. Game Overview

  • Title: [idk probably something like Balloony-Kazhooey & Ribbon’s FLUFFED UP BIG BUNS Very Loud Day in Wonderburrow Zone ]
  • Genre: Action-Adventure, Platformer
  • Target Audience: Fans of cute characters, whimsical settings, and unique gameplay mechanics
  • Platform: [To be determined]

2. Story and Setting

2.1 World

  • A realm inhabited by fairy-dragons and empowered bunnies
  • Originated from an exiled bunny who gained power in the Out of Bounds (OoB) area
  • Recent influx of dragon-fairies into the original rabbit’s realm

2.2 Plot

  • A rogue fairy is spreading power to formerly docile bunnies
  • Main character accidentally gains powers when trying to crush what she thought was a pest in her food supply and must learn to control them
  • Conflict involves tracking down the rogue fairy and helping newly empowered bunnies
  • Expelling threats from the bunny zone

2.3 Main Characters

  • Kazhooey (Zooey): The protagonist, a bunny who accidentally gained powers
  • Ribbon Badge: A powerful character who trains Kazhooey
  • (Jerry?) Rogue Fairy: The antagonist spreading power to bunnies

3. Gameplay

3.1 Core Mechanic: Embiggening

Five types of growth-based powers:

  1. AMP (Amplify): Enhances mental or physical attributes, empowers projectiles
    • This is typically either mental growth (which would not necessarily be visible), or chest growth (which I am reluctant to lean into because I really don’t like the objectification of the chest area, but I’m sure it might be better for sales to a certain audience). Empowers most projectile attacks and provides more “ammo” for more demanding abilities.
  2. BEL (Bellow): Boosts agility and provides limited hovering
    • This is typically either a non-visible boost to one’s jumping/kicking/running abilities and potentially limited hovering. Or it could be a visible belly-focused growth that increases durability and the ability to deflect or withstand physical attacks. More mobility to avoid/negate projectiles that don’t directly hit a weak point, but taking a direct projectile hit probably sends the character tumbling towards the ground with the power knocked out of them until they land or do some kind of resource-draining recovery.
  3. CUS (Cushion): Inflation-like power, affects mobility and teleportation
    • The simplest and most straight forward. Works like Dig Dug on most things. Not painful, but can be scary for those who don’t know what’s happening. When something “pops” they probably just get sent somewhere else. Possibly the OoB if they don’t have a Home Zone, Possibly somewhere very nearby if they have strong determination and resistance. Probably to the nearest friendly face if they’re not under immediate threat. Also the absolute easiest to resist by anyone with power and can result in Blowback. Makes the target light and easy to throw around for some amount of time.
  4. DEL (Deluge): Increases size, weight, and power, affects mobility
    • Makes the target big, heavy, immobile, and juiced up with power. It might be done to one’s self temporarily to enhance a big hit or to use a crushing attack like a buttstomp or belly flop. But it also makes it easy to bowl the target over or roll them around slopes and generally kick them about like a ball until they’re out of juice. Blowback isn’t a thing with this, but the target can ricochet if knocked about.
  5. EMB/BIG (Embiggen): Uniform growth, increases overall power
    • This is more of a uniform “magic-like” growth in size while preserving form. Aside from giving the target less space to move around in, this kinda just makes them straightforwardly more powerful in exactly the way one would expect if the character were simply made bigger. Probably good for using more demanding physical weapons, but bad for evasion. Might make the character “armor” through low power projectiles: they take the damage (or maybe borrow the grey-life idea from fighting games if we want to allow technical “no-damage” runs without ruling out this form) but aren’t interrupted by it.

Power System Notes:

  • Powers can potentially be combined (max two types)
  • Possible RPS-style interactions between powers
  • Different effects for “friendly” vs “hostile” applications. Friendly omits a specific penalty. Hostile omits a specific benefit. Incidental omits none.

3.2 Ribbon’s Weapon: Pafu Pafu Hammer

A multi-functional weapon that serves as both a melee hammer and an inflation device.


  1. Deflated Form: Compact for storage and carrying.
  2. Filled Form: Default state, full size with recessed orbs
  3. Necked Form: Extended shaft for specialized use
  • Configurable valve-orbs: pushed in, both unblocked, or hose-connected


  • Gas Cylinders: Six internal chambers that store compressed air.
  • Pumping Mechanism: Refills gas cylinders through shaft movement
  • Triggered Release: Rapidly expels stored air for powerful effects


  • Melee combat
  • Ranged air blasts
  • Target Embiggening (inflation)
  • Air-propelled movement
  • Puzzle-solving applications

3.3 Gameplay Loop

  • Explore environments
  • Encounter and battle inflated enemies
  • Solve puzzles using Embiggening powers and the Pafu Pafu Hammer
  • Gain new abilities and upgrade existing ones
  • Progress through the story, uncovering the mystery of the rogue fairy

4. Art Style and Audio

4.1 Visual Style

  • Cute, colorful characters with a mix of bunny and dragon features
  • Whimsical, cartoon-like environments
  • Playful animations emphasizing the inflation and growth mechanics

4.2 Character Design

  • Kazhooey: [Details to be determined]
  • Ribbon Badge: Purple dragon-like creature with long floppy ears
  • Holographic, computer-glitch style wings or dragonfly-like wings
  • Wears a bunny suit (not shown in current concept art)

4.3 Audio

  • Upbeat, adventurous music
  • Comical sound effects for inflation and deflation
  • Unique sound design for each Embiggening power
  • Think Bubble Bobble, Puzzle Bobble, Yoshi’s Island, Klonoa

5. Technical Specifications

5.1 Target Platform

3-6 button gamepad devices.

5.2 Development Tools

[To be determined]

6. Marketing and Monetization

6.1 Target Audience

  • Fans of platformer and action-adventure games
  • Players who enjoy cute, whimsical aesthetics
  • Gamers interested in unique mechanics and gameplay innovations

6.2 Unique Selling Points

  • Innovative Embiggening power system
  • Multi-functional Pafu Pafu Hammer weapon
  • Cute characters in a whimsical setting with hints of deeper lore
  • Blend of combat, puzzle-solving, and exploration

6.3 Monetization Strategy

[Ask Nicely To Not Starve]

7. Development Roadmap

7.1 Milestones

[To be determined]

7.2 Team Structure


8. Appendices

8.1 Inspiration and References

  • Games:
    • Direct Bunnylikes: Bunny Must Die, Rabi-Ribi, Alice Escaped, Tevi
    • Spiritual Bunnylikes: Dust: An Elysian Tail, Luna Nights
    • Adjacent: , Klonoa, Dig-Dug, Banjo-Kazooie, Sonic series (Amy’s Piko Piko Hammer), Lyrical Nanoha (Graf Eisen)
  • Themes: Bunnies, Balloons, Inflation, growth, fairy tales, technology “glitch/runner as magic” fusion. There’s a little bit of innuendo, but the whole thing is not really meant to be “Sexy” so much as silly-funny.

8.2 Concept Art

[Include links or descriptions of existing concept art, such as Ribbon Badge sprite sheet and Pafu Pafu Hammer sketches]

I Will Try To Remember To Post The Other Art Later

Posting this one now because I actually like it

okay also I guess I’ll add this one too

smol fairy dragon with a hammer probably about as big as her entire body

and as the tradition goes, she will be named Ribbon because all Bunnylike Metroidvanias tend to name the fairy/companion Ribbon (or Fidget if you’re Dust)

okay uhhh send blog

Full Size Art of the Bunnies from Green Rolling Hills

I made a map submission to RAMP 2023 titled Green Rolling Hills And Lots of Nice Bunny Girls But Secretly It’s Still Hell. That had 4 npc characters in it. The only one that has a name is Percy, and I recently drew a new outfit for her. But also here’s the full size versions of the art from that map.

And here’s the new picture of Percy with more clothes that I just drew today