Sudden Cookiss VS Pancaken(ing)

so what I’m thinking right now is that the dragon fairies are typically small and not particularly physically strong, so while they were able to copy the power of Embiggening from Bunnies, they had to use tools to compensate for other things that were biological traits of their inspiration. So the Cookie Kiss Cookis thingy is like. small sweet tasty edible projectile. And the pancake makes things flat like a pancake! But they spring back out unflat after little bit, so you can launch off like a trampoline. The pancake itself is edible
I’m revisiting the older design of Variable Sugar who I’m sure I had redesigned since the original, but I can’t find it. Anyway, in this iteration of the design, Variable Sugar was one of the fairies who decided to follow Big when she decided to seek out the homeland of the rabbits. Where Sugar came from, when she was young and rabbits were still common, fairies were considered a common companion to bunnies and they often shared food and housing openly with each other. While at at land of the bunnies, she got hungry and found a packet of familiar Carrot Crisps. She snuck into the package to eat, but was spotted by Kazhooey who couldn’t tell what was in her food, but knew it was some kind of pest. She struck, knocking Sugar unconscious. She is found the next day by Ribbon Badge, a bit confused and unable to quite recall recent events very well at all.

She had always been a playful, mischievous, and playful personality since she was young. But after her injury, she seems to get her feelings all jumbled and mixed together. So while she’s a bit more defensive and outspoken about trying to stay safe, when she decides she wants to do something that seems fun, those moments of fun seem uh disproportionately intense and energetic and will continue until she’s exhausted or trapped and restrained. She has an Embiggening tool similar to RB’s, but it is only compatible with Deluge/Berry type actions and only has two cartridge slots available.
Jackie is one of the residents of Nueva Esperanza. She typically only wears a few bags for carrying fishing gear and some boots to make it easier to navigate mucky terrain without getting stuck. While it’s an open secret that she is the most promiscuous person living in Esperanza and has a record of trouble-making from excessive drinking, she is also one of the most prolific fishers and writers living in the area and that is very useful for keeping everyone fed and keeping a flow of revenue/value to trade with other areas. She has a fluid and unpredictable martial arts style all about going with the flow. The vaguely ghost-like patterns on her thighs are said to glow when the spirits of ancestors are watching and proud. In a pinch, she can also use her fishing gear as makeshift weapons.

She was one of the people who was suspected during a trio of murders in the area. It was quickly evident that she was not the killer and in fact had almost been a victim. But while she had a good hunch who was responsible, she refused to share the information when asked. She never says why she refused, but she was almost certainly scared of retaliation.
An earlier sketch of what I hoped would fit for Jackie before I looked around for other references.
I didn’t design this one. But when I saw the super shiny blues and how well it contrasts with the orange I knew I had to keep the design around until I can work on it more. I definitely want to give this one maybe a white coat or vest or something so that the eyes aren’t drawn directly to the chest and groin. But I think their casual look without any of the clothing probably will work just fine, if a little bit on the generic side.
Can’t remember what I meant to name this one, but I think the general color scheme is going to stay about the same. The idea is that Hard Reset is very fond of this particular Helibuster and wants to spend more time with them. But while on what should be been a routine scouting task, things escalate when mercs kick off their arson plot, and this one can’t find a way out of it. And well, Squee and Helibuster have an *extremely* explosive reaction to high heat. Rez’s own training and performance scores skyrocket after that, but they have an open disdain for the simulator training because it’s “not real, it’s too systematic, too predictable, too safe”.
Awww, I can relate to that
*nosebumps and nosebumps nosebumps and hides in ur pillow OwO*