Tag Archives: save

Now Saving: Bonus Content

I don’t know a practical way of implementing it, but what if all those Youtube Let’s Plays and whatnot of different video-games were bonus content that became available when a person buys a copy of the game featured inf the video?

Played around with Lua some more. Installed Lua 5.2 on Ubuntu. Wrote a short loop thingy that takes input until the user types ‘quit’.  Meant to work it in Computercraft but never logged into Minecraft to try it there. I might make a text adventure or something, but I also sorta wanted to make a text-based combat game. If I wanna do that, I first need to figure out a way to implement timing in Lua. Briefly looked at a 2D game programming library for Lua  https://love2d.org but did not install it.

Got no productive work done on TSHE, S45, or Resonance.  Played some Awesomenauts.  Still trying to adjust to the idea that PnP day is now on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays.

Watched some Youtube. Played some Candy Crush. Candy Crush is frustrating.

Rendered this thing  in Digital Multimedia on Tuesday. I did not make these textures.


Now Saving: St. Patricks Day


Yesterday was that holiday with the green stuff. The cafeteria had SO MANY BALLOONS. THERE SO MANY. It was somewhere between awesome and scary and super distracting. Also, they were making reuben sandwiches and stuff and it was freaking tasty.


Oh and I worked on schoolstuff too at some point.


Now Saving: Goodfellas

Saw the movie Goodfellas. Didn’t like it. Didn’t expect I would. Spent the bulk of it confused.

Two hours burned working on G2’s TSHE. Had to review how to work with delegates and events to try to decouple some classes. Didn’t plan out the design patterns very well.

Now Saving: Yoshi’s New Island Bots

We’ve started working with BOE bots programmed with Basic Stamp Editor. Took me a bit to realize the language is Basic. Had some errors when dealing with subroutines that set us back more than we should have been. (Forgot to put an END command at the end of the main loop but before the subroutines.)

Yoshi’s New Island comes out tomorrow.


When I saw Eggy Pop, I figured they had gotten rid of the Popping Balloons minibattle from the original, but there seems to be a new variant in Ground Pound Pop.  I’d really like to have that as a silly little fun thing to play on bus rides or short breaks. BUT. I don’t yet know if it’s possible to play those minigames solo or with an AI. It looks like it may be required to have a second player on a separate 3DS, and I simply won’t buy multiple 3DS systems just to play a balloon popping minigame I could probably recreate with more features relevant to my own interests *to run on my own phone* in maybe two or three months. Heck, maybe a few weeks if I wanted to take the $250+ I’d be dropping on two 3DS and a $40 game and instead spent it on getting a good 3D Modeler to make some custom characters for me and a sound and music guy to make mew a new BG tune and soundeffects for the characters.

… I’m kinda freaking tempted to do that. Make a balloon game for android and PC. Flesh out the modes…

Or. I could wait for Super Smash Bros. for 3DS to come out, and pick up that and YNI on the same day. Aside from that one minigame I really want to toy around with, the rest of the game looks like a passable tribute to the Yoshi series since YI, YS, YIDS, YTT, and YTaG.

(Man, I wish someone could recreate that highres Yoshi model Nintendo uses for the promo arts. That’d be fun to pose around~<3)

We did some stuff with Blender in Digital Multimedia. I spent the time trying to make a 3D bunnyperson model. It went OK. I’ll have to post a render sometime.

Spent some hours trying to revise the HLD, LLD, and Code Listings for Snr. Soft. Engineering in prep for the upcoming presentations and notebook review. Most likely, our team will change the role assignments for the upcoming phase. Hand off graphics to the guy who’s familiar with texturing and whatnot better than the both of us. Split GUI, PlayerBehavior, Camera, and UnitBehavior between me and the other guy’s who’s been great about troubleshooting code he wasn’t even tasked with writing to begin with. Not looking forward to fixing up the rest of these docs, but eh. It’s gotta be in the books. Because reasons!

Now Saving: Black Liquorice

Spent most of the day wanting to curl up and go back to sleep, but got into the swing of things… by nightfall.

Filled out new spreadsheets for SSE. Tried to animate an SVG hexagon. Didn’t work out. Traced a Griffon screencap and added a balloon. Because reasons.


Planning to take in my resume tomorrow for live crit.

Tried Black Liquorice for my first time. Was given to me by an acquaintance who usually works one of the shops I tend to buy snacks from every 2-4 days.  He got it from someone else. The feel was akin to that of mouthwash, but the taste reminded me of black jellybeans, rootbeer, and salt. It was interesting. The one I had was shaped vaguely like a curved fish. Was offered one that came in the shape of an *, but my teeth were kinda hurting from the first candy, so I declined. It was an interesting experience.

Now Saving: Heading Back

Heading back to residence halls first thing tomorrow morning. Spent all day working on the game tentatively titled Resonance Reaper https://github.com/TeamNoContest/ResonanceReaper and filling out more documentation for Stable45 http://retl.github.io/stable45/ . If I have enough time, I might have to scramble to make a dev-diary for TheSeasHaveEyes before leaving for dorms but immediately after waking up. Or I can sit on my haunches and hope my team member makes that up.

Now Saving: Bleh

I talked up a case for buying pizzas so we’d have something to eat for the weekend. Aaaand after going through with it, we ended up spending $30 or what was completely consumed within minutes. So I feel like I picked it all wrong. And apparently my mother’s sugar level had dropped down to around 54. Seems like she was mistaking the breakfast she had yesterday for breakfast she had today. Tried to talk [family member] out of throwing a fit because reasons. Which just made her throw a fit about me talking to her.  My right hand hurts. I think I’ve played too much Awesomenauts and may have carpel tunnel syndrome or something going on.

On the other hoof, I drew some stuff. http://sta.sh/2k9ffob9m3l




Now Saving: Plan B

breadcrumbs breadcrumbsgrey

Rough-drafted a fic. Drew a thing. Played some games. Learned the procedure for blood-sugar testing with the lancet and test machine.

My mother fell again. While trying to get icecream. Again. But I helped her get back up and it was OK. PnP day tomorrow. DST starts on Sunday.