Tag Archives: save

Now Saving: Pic

3rd wednesday june 2014

Drew this thing at some point.

Worked on namegen. SPECIAL is now randomly generated. Characters that are given level-ups will spend 10 skill points with every in-game tick when they have 10 to spend.  I should probably make it so that they can eat. Which would require settlements having food.  Thinking about working on regions soon, which would represent the general areas that the settlements are being made in.  Also changed the skills listing back so that they use the same skillset as FoE PnP Revised Rules.

Considered adding ‘scenarios’ which present a series of challenges and let the player try to build up characters to solve them.  Like needing a minimum amount of mechanics to start building a new home. Or trying to draft allies for an upcoming battle, and can let characters with high Speech or Barter deal with it, then other characters good with melee/firearms/unarmed/mew try to train them up in preparation.

  • Mother asked me some questions about an uncomfortable topic.
  • I am now responsible for scheduling the appropriate payment of my mother’s aides.
  • Heard mixed sections of Murky No. 7. Some sections of ch 1, 3, 15, 14, 24. Not my kind of fic.
  • Mother has an appointment tomorrow. I might be accompanying her.
  • Switched from Notepad++  to Eclipse for my Linux IDE for javascript development.
  • Thought about writing a fic. Decided against it.
  • I am sleepy now.

Quicksave: Overmare


I still probably need to retitle this thing sooner rather than later and piece together a decent concept doc. Anyway, that Name Generator thing I linked a while back? I’ve been working on that for the past three or so days. The name generation dictionaries are still kinda lax and not-great, but slowly things are starting to almost become a playable thing. Characters can be made and renamed. They get hungry/thirsty/sleepy… But they can’t eat, and can’t die.  And once a new character is made, they cannot be selected again…

But Retl, what happened to Bunny Bounce, and that shooting game, and those games you made for classes? I’ve shelved them all for the time being.They require a lot more work invested into graphical assets that I do not have the patience to do alone. Which is why the focus on ‘Overmare’ so far.  Less graphics needed to function, and if I really need to, I can add graphical elements later.

Today: Characters now report ALL skills, they are generated with an age and sex, they get hungry/thirsty/drowsy over time, and time auto-advanced, but can be disabled in the sidebar menu.

Quicksave: Digital Pony Funtime

Some of the ponyarts I commissioned went live. Yay Puppysmiles/Puppy.smls! There’s more coming later, too.

My copy of Journal of the Two Sisters came in. It’s fun thusfar. It’s exactly the kind of episode-style tales from new perspectives that I wanted.

New FoE Heroes chapter is out, the text and audiobook going live on the same day. Awesome!

New FoE Better Days chapter is out. It’s a little weird and surreal and neat.

Tried drawing some Scotch Tape screwdriver funtime and balloon Apple Bloom.  Not posting those here.

Also, Happy Birthday to my niece. Yay!

Quicksave: Unexpected Reward : Unexpected Cost

  1. Went shopping. Bought big-bags of food. Got at least 3 days of stuff on half the amount of money as last time. Just means a lot of repeat meals.
  2. The extra Moto G is at the post office instead of delivered to box. Gonna have to go pick it up later. Soon, my mother will be able to Candy Crush anytime! Muaahahahahaaa
  3. Splatoon and SSB Still look awesome.

Quicksave: Disrespect

  • I should probably just copy-paste these posts instead of using the Publicize extension. Then Tumblr users wouldn’t need to click-through.
  • Played Awesomenauts Beta with some of the community-made bots. They’re tough.
  • Kept logging into Equestrian Dawn only to realize I really don’t want to RP there.
  • Started grinding basic items from the starter levels in Brave Frontier.
  • Felt Grumpy/uncomfortable for the bulk of the day. Never figured out exactly why, but I imagine it has to do with food.
  • Drafted commission specification document for smut I would eventually like to have Kevin Sano and Jetwave draw However, while the artists might be OK with the ideas, I’m not sure if the author of the character I intended to use would be OK with it. (In fact, I THINK they told me ‘nothing explicit’ but I didn’t save a log of what they said from however many months back when I was asking what I was allowed to draw.) Might have to just send Mime a message and ask if it’s okay. ANd if they say OK, then yay! And if they say no… then I’d probably pay to have it drawn anyway and request that the image be treated DNP, then only share it with a small circle of friends. Or. Something. But I’m no fan of the whole Do Not Post thing. The whole part of this stuff is to share!I don’t want to directly offend someone who makes things I like, but combining lots of things that I like into some superfun is supernice. Or. Something.
  • The area of my leg and shoulder that I hit when dealing with the pool about a week back still hurt when touched.

Quicksave: Name Generator


I spent the bulk of the day implementing a pony name generator that uses dictionaries spliced from existing character lists or from all of the words used in FoE and Pink Eyes. If you want to play around with it, it is available here. This wasn’t intended to be a name-gen as the focus, but I was encouraged to make a separate fork/branch that is exclusively a stable version of the name generator for fic writers.

So I might do that.

Quicksave: ReSchedule


  • Finally drew this thing I owed NitoKa for almost a year.
  • Tomorrow, my mother’s medschedule shifts. And with it, my schedule will need to shift. We’ll see.
  • Played Brave Frontier and Awesomenauts.
  • Kids broke a wineglass. Tiny glass shards all over the kitchen corner. No easy way to get it up, but I tried. I need to buy a Broom, Dustpan, and Vacuum. The old ones are ineffective.
  • DID: Units now use Skill objects for representing skills. Leveling up gives skillpoints. Still no way to actually assign those skillpoints. PLAN TO: Create a name generator. A Namer object that knows how to go through a dictionary of names to create 1-3 name combos. Then child objects like Pony Namer, Griffin Namer, Settlement Namer. Same interface. Different dictionaries and combo rules.
  • Thought about rambling and whining about a variety of topics this morning. Didn’t.
  • Considering a livestream tomorrow. Still not sure on that.

Quicksave: Uneventful

Bro and niece did grocery shopping.  I just finished watching the movie Sneakers (the 1992 movie) for my first time. Appreciated that the computer hackery there was quite a bit believable. Enjoyed the movie for the humor and stuff too. Different flavor than Hackers. Project Horizons chapter is most likely this weekend. I intend on drawing Scotch’s butt.