Because of Certain Racist Things happening *right now*, I am trying very hard to keep my friendly face on despite preparing and training to defend myself should the need come. Forgive me for needing some time to myself.

Anyway, here’s today’s doodles. Since I can’t stick to any character or body type for more than a few weeks at most, it might make more sense if I just pick a general “vibe” or “outfit” or “theme” and have that be the go-to when people ask me what I want to see made/drawn and I don’t feel comfortable asking for blatant kink stuff. So this was me toying around with the colors I like. All I’ve really settled on is “Big coat is kinda comfy. Mini vest/apron thingy makes for a good color splash and a bit of modesty. Thinking of leggings/thigh-highs/legwarmers as building clothes from the floor-up instead of how pants are designed from the waist down just works better for what I like.”
I still find the process of drawing tedious, fickle, and I continue to rush through it to keep time spent doing it as low as possible.
anyway uhhhh
Stay strong, y’all. Remember to treat yourself, find things you enjoy, check in on friends you like, and remember that your life is YOURS. May no law, rule, contract, or dogma prescribed to you ever rob you of agency over your own life.