[9:36:43 PM] Retl: So-so. Mostly fine. Had another day of multiple classes again after the impromptu ‘break’ from the freezeover. Classes went well, though my Robotics partner was nowhere to be found, so I had to solo some reconstruction and assembly. The programming bit was easy-peasy though. Arranged to meet up with my GamesII team on Fridays which keeps my Snr Software Engineering group meets on Saturdays and the PnP group meets on Wednesdays and… I still haven’t figured out what’s going on with Digital Multimedia. If that’s not a group project, that would simplify things a lot. And I probably need to pester someone for their copy of the textbook so I can photocopy a few chapters.
[…] And I also ended up half-way doing one of the 3D models for one of the group projects in the space of 6 minutes when the partner in charge of the graphical assets was ready to give up. It felt… awkward. 😡 But ultimately I’m glad that got the asset done up and almost ready to put right into the game. At least it got the mesh and whatnot there.
I also considered a backup plan for the case that I do not get into the ABCs of Fallout Equestria thingy. I could write the BBBs of Fallout Equestria. A bunch of short ramblings about topics that start with B. Like Balloon Like Bomb! Or Balefire! Or Balloon! Or Breech! Or Banner! Or Bullet! Or Blood! Or Banishment! Or Balloon!
More recently, I’m reminded that dealing with people can be rewarding- it’s tons of fun to hang out with like-minded people on a good day with some free time, and it’s kinda warming to see someone figure out a new trick or technique after a little bit of guidance. And other times, there isn’t much else in the world as bothersome as another person, Blah. I liked to think people like [a certain family member] were rare and just an odd matter of a circumstance in my life, but it seems like there’s plenty of others in the world just like them. And on top, their brashness tends to give them the scoring card in a confrontation and in leadership roles… but it also makes it that much harder for anyone to deal with them.
Played Awesomenauts for 3 hours.
These guys had a brutal setup. If you stepped past the turret anywhere near the Skolldir, he would toss directly into Yuri’s bomb-nest, pretty much getting an instant kill. This continued for quite a while until I finally got my knife and clone upgrades all bought up and attempted to stealth over the bombs, wait for a fresh clone, and then drop and use the clone to help soak damage from the turret to solo-push.

It worked out! Kinda. Was an interesting match, but probably would have been really boring to watch.
Project Horizons Reread Progress:
46 – Caper: Made a bit more progress into this one again. OMG BUBBLEBLOWER RAMPAGE. Also, given the fact that Rampage can infinitely regenerate and whatnot, she’d probably be a dreamgirl for popper-inflationists. Though she’d probably be none-too-fond of the experience herself. this one’s kinda fun. And the thing with the talking sneaky suit is cute, but I can’t remember if that’s this chapter or the next.
47 – Hightower: In which Blackjack becomes a part of Unity. AND gets fatally cursed by necromancy. (Notable plot point: Blackjack has been resistant to Enervation for a while now. So this curse clearly isn’t the cause of her resistance.) Also some more backstory via flashbacks that explains who Mister Shears really is and whatnot.
48 – Inferno: I somehow don’t have an MP3 of this one on my drive! Totally skipped it by accident! Oops! Gonna fix that tonight.