Quicksave: 14 Days to Graduation | Hyperbound

Slept late. Woke up later.

Based on these, I made this.


Also played Brave Frontier, wrote about digital ponies and holoponies for about two and half hours, and started trying to make a 3D model of a catlady but then got all frustrated.

Tomorrow: Documentation for Resonance must be completed. Day after: PnP day. Day after:  Continue trying to get job. Two days after that: Major Field Test.  Three days after that: Meet the dean pre-graduation.  Week later: Graduate.


Quicksave: Presentations Begin in 2 days

Spent all of today working on Stable 45. Due to it being a class assignment, there were a number of checklist items that were required that wouldn’t benefit the site in any way whatsoever. SO I DID IT ANYWAY. Now there’s video on the index, animated gifs on the fun page, svg embedded in the Blow Ups story page, and I ended up posting my ABCs of Fallout Equestria story early on the site as well. I’m still waiting on the completed project to go live before I repost that story to fimfic though.

And stuff. And now I’m gonna go answer at least one Tumblr question! Maybe more than one!

Quicksave: Maybe Yes No Maybe


Pro: $20 of free taxi credit to get to (potentially misinterpreted and nonexistant) job interview in style! Yay!

Con: The app required to use credit crashes on my phone. The ability to get pickup via SMS was retired. And the webapp version of site was disabled.  But the customer support responded within the hour… to ask for screenshots. Which have been sent.

Pro: Finally got in contact with those other people about their job offer! YAY

Con: But since I’m graduating in 17 days, I am no long eligable in any meaningful way.

Now Saving: Walk the Line

This Napkin Note has been on my desk for weeks. Old random jotted down ideas for FoE sidefics.

Emailed some folks. Called other folks. Was called to meet and discuss terms of a potential job doing some web dev redoing of an existing website. Meeting later in the week, gotta go to a place I’ve never gone to before. It’s out of my comfortable walking distance. Borrowed some money from family to catch a cab.

I got that butterflies feeling when I found out I had to go some place I’ve never heard of until recently on my own. I almost never get that feeling. I hated it. Still get more than a little nervous when I think about it, but it’ll work out. Probably.

I’m fairly certain I’ve found a theme/topic I want to write about.  Not sure I want to deal with the stigma/baggage that will come with it if I do. And I’m not known for keeping my accomplishments secret, so if I commit to the project, I won’t ever be able to take it back if it blows up in my face. For as much as I say I don’t like fiction about criminals and whatnot, that’s almost exactly what I would be writing. About fictional would-be and actual criminals, bound only by the crimes and trying to live their lives.

‘Course, if I misrepresent it, I will be loathed. And if I represent things to accurately, I would be accused. Yay.

Okay time to go to a different meeting now bye.

Now Saving: Bitter

Sometimes, one puts honest work into things, and things work out okay, and one’s proud of it.

(Dry run of Games II project presentation went well. Still not excellent, but passable.)

Sometimes, one puts effort into things, it gets rejected, and one feels bitter.

(Pretty much my second time getting the ‘this comment is embarrassing, send it in a pm instead *delete* response on Fimfic from an author.  I don’t like doing that, as I lose track of what I said to who and when, and those posts get auto-purged from the server after an amount of time. On top of giving more excuse to be complained at if I forget. It’s more convenient on my part to leave no comment.  [Some other scenario-specific information is left out as to be forgotten.])


Saw this thingy on dA and wanted a distraction. So I’m filling it out now.


1. Do you go by any nicknames?

Yes, many.

3. What species of pony are you?

My fictional characters are some of everything. H4X is a holopegapony vaguely modeled after Scootaloo. Revel Romp is a young unicorn minor noble. Get Bonus is an Earth Pony colt from Cookie Console.
4. What’s your cutie mark, and how does it describe yourself?
It’s almost always a balloon, ball, bubble, or some other inflatable object. They’re bright, colorful, cheery, versatile in a variety of ways, deceptively durable, airy and hollow, held up by constant pressure, prone to burst into several angular shreds, and can critical weaknesses that break them with ease. They work great when there’s plenty, as if one breaks one can swap it out for one similar very quickly. If lucky, the old one can be fixed.
6. What are some common occupational hazards you come across?
Privacy concerns. Overshared information. Electric shock. Fairly harmless explosions and loud noises. Telling MoM.
7. Do you like Ponyville?
It’s pretty.
8. Have you ever been to the Grand Galloping Gala? If not, have you ever dreamed of going?
wait what am I supposed to be answering this AS a pony
9. Do you have any hobbies aside from your job?
I spend. All day. In front of a computer. The only time I spend away from a computer is when walking to get to another computer. And yes, listening to stuff on a phone is still using a computer.
10. What are your quirks? As in, what makes you unique?
Heck if I know? I do things the way that make sense to me, because they make sense to me, and not just because everyone else is doing it. This sometimes gets me odd looks when I ask questions that ‘seemed obvious to everyone else’. 
11. Can you stand on your forehooves?
Get Bonus and H4X probably could for their relations to MoM. Nopony in the Revel line could, but they would probably try if for the purpose of entertaining friends. And then fall.
12. Can you stand on your head?
Ditto of above.
13. Favorite type of music?
Always dance-y rock-y type energetic stuff that doesn’t sound like randomly selected noise.
14. What’s your favorite food?
Tacos. Tacos or mints. Not sure.
15. Do you have a crush?
I don’t like the courtship game. GB would probably crush on the MoM’s Ministry Mare.
16. Do you have any pets? Name them.
17. Nightmare Moon has escaped from the moon and has come to bring eternal night all over Equestria. What do you do?
“Not my job.” and then go about the day doing what one normally would. But with more glowsticks and flares.
18. Who is your idol?
The line of Revel Romps and the Dalliance family in general idolized Celestia as the idea of perfection. Somehow, that was perverted into a pursuit towards immortality.
20. Favorite flavor?
21. What would you find at the end of the rainbow, if a pot of gold doesn’t suit your tastes?
A free house with infinite food and drink and power supply, I guess? That’s what I’d spend the gold on anyway. Most of the other things I want, I kinda already got.
22. Are you gay?
No preference one way or the other and typically limited interest.  Except GB. Bonus prefers fillies and mares.
23. What’s your favorite season?
The first one. It’s more about friends and friendship and dealing with normal everyday living type stuff.

Oh wait you mean like the four seasons? Uh, I dunno. Spring? Winter maybe? I don’t like the heat of the summer, and I have little fondness for Halloween.
24. Who are your friends?
Probably more than I even realize.
25. Now who’s your BEST friend?
Hard to say. They come and go. Life is short.
26. What made your cutie mark appear?
Explosions and sexually provocative imagery.
27. You find a dead pony in your room, and the police have your house surrounded. What do you do?
Unlock the door. Stay still. No sudden movements. Explain to the best of my ability when asked.
29. Gotchya~
31. Were you born in Ponyville?
No. Don’t think I’ve ever made a character that was, come to think.
32. What kind of family do you have?
Wide sprawling untrackable ones for my characters. Because through a certain lens, it feels like my family is that. And my ‘family’ that I recognize is a much much smaller set of four or five faces I know and trust. The rest are only one step up above strangers in my book.
33. Are you scared of anything?
Plenty. Like the results of publicly stating one’s fears to a not-entirely-well-meaning audience.
34. You see a parasprite on the edge of the road while you’re walking into town. What do you do?
Aw, cute.
35. There’s an ursa major behind you.
How does it fit in the room? Is it a plushie?
36. Gotchya again~
So no plushie?
37. Your favorite color of all time is…
Bright and shiny.  That’s a color, right?
38. You ask a pony for directions. However, all she does is gasp loudly and gallop off at full speed. What do you do?
Ask someone else. Alternatively, Google it. Alternatively, try to find it on my own. Most likely, I’d ask at least 2 other people if they’re nearby.
39. A random stallion (if you’re a girl)/mare (if you’re a guy) strides up to you, tells you you’re cute, and asks about your day plans. What do you do?
I go into the details about what I have planned for the day with such specificity that they realize I made no plans to include an additional person at any point, and continue about my day. Unless they just keep showing up where I’m going anyway. Might say hi. Usually  won’t remember them in 5 minutes.
40. You take another look at them and decide that they’re kinda cute. NOW what do you do?
Kinda forced, huh? Still, same as above. Cute or not, I have no intention of playing the courtship game. I have other plans.
41. Roller coasters are…
Fun, usually.
42. You’re standing in a patch of poison joke. What do you do?
Scowl, shout a lot, flail, complain, go to find a distraction.
43. You wake up the next day and find that the poison joke has taken effect. What’s your symptom?
Every computer I touch starts displaying absolute gibberish or shutting down when in proximity. They immediately resume functioning as normal when I stop trying to use it. And no balloon within 20 miles is able to stay inflated.
44. Can you speak two or more languages?
I know less than a phrase book’s worth of Spanish and Japanese. I can ask “where is the bathroom” in both languages and say at least one form of sorry in both languages. (sumimasen, otearai wa doko desu ka | Lo siento pero donde esta’ el ban~o )

Revel as a character would know more. Probably French or the pony equivalent. Speakin’ in Fancy?
45. You bought a new outfit from Rarity’s boutique recently. She told you it really suits you, but it’s very delicate and not machine – washable. While wearing the outfit, a bully knocks you over into the mud. What do you do?
Take it to Rarity or Twilight. 

Maybe I’m just interpreting this wrong, but calling an Earth Pony a “Regular” pony seems hella demeaning.
1. So, you’re a regular pony. How’s life, hon?
uh huh
2. Are you jealous of the unicorns for being able to do magic?
Everything. Especially kinky funtime. But we have machines for that.
3. Are you jealous of pegasuses for being able to fly?
We have machines for that too.
4. Erm… That was probably unecessary…
Yes, these questions were kinda unnecessary weren’t they?
5. So, what’s your opinion on being a regular pony?
Earth ponies are so called because the Earth aspect is important to their nature. Perhaps not in a fashion greatly expanded upon, but it’s clear that tending to other lives and caring for food and doing physical labor are things their magic are attuned with, not just a fallback. Also, their innovations can be used by all, not just themselves.


1. So, you can do magic, right?
All of my ponycorns know at least TK.
2. What spells do you know?
this is bait
3. Are you jealous of the pesasuses for being able to fly?
There’s spell for that. And a machine for that when spells don’t work.
4. If there was a spell you wish you could pull off, what is it?

The Learn Any Given Spell spell.
5. What is your biggest success involving magic?
That one time that thing exploded.


1. Yay, you can fly, yay.
That’s not a question.
2. Do you air (no pun intended) from Cloudsdale, or were you born on the ground?

That pun was clearly intended.  Confetti was a Cloudsdale born pegasus who moved to Ponyville to hang out with a pony they liked.
3. Can you do any special tricks in the air?
None that other pegasi can’t learn. Unless you mean the whole cutie mark catalog and blank flank cutie mark prediction services. Those are bundled with the software and not for trade.

WARNING: This software is not for exchanging photos of filly and colt butts. Performing anyway…

4. Are you jealous of the unicorns for being able to do magic?

Pegasi make computers out of clouds. Not much reason to envy a unicorn.

5. Have you seen a sonic rainboom?


Quicksave: Bad In Bad Out

Cafeteria was serving different food for the holiday. I didn’t want what they had. Ate it anyway. Body didn’t like it about 7 hours later.Drew stuff this weekend. Forgot to scan it. Might scan it after posting.Thinking about paying a few $ to commission a color pic of a [specific, not-mine] little filly pony character. Planning to keep price < $7.  Should buy food instead.

Now Saving: Claws and Crotches

Drawn by alorix and not me http://fav.me/d7ewnv9
Drawn by alorix and not me http://fav.me/d7ewnv9
I didn't draw this either.
I didn’t draw this either.


23:57 <Wirepony> http://i.4cdn.org/mlp/src/1397708544956.jpg
23:57 <Retl> Wirepony: I am totally OK with this
23:58 <Retl> 10/10 would play as in videogames
23:58 <Wirepony> 5/10 because not Angry Marines
23:58 <Retl> …and stare at their hind end 80% of the time because that’s how adventure action games go
23:58 <Wirepony> digital butt syndrome is real
23:58 <Retl> So the question now is
23:58 <Retl> how do we get that into a game

[Time passes]

00:10 <Retl> See now I have this super armoed Rarity on my desktop
00:10 -!- Wirepawny is now known as WireFTLpony
00:11 <Retl> And I can’t stop staring at this leg and thinking
00:11 <Retl> “that thigh must be huge aw yis”
00:11 * WireFTLpony sends four mantis troops and two boarding drones
00:11 <WireFTLpony> XD
00:11 <WireFTLpony> big meaty thighs
00:11 * Retl dies to whichever was the weakest sent thing. ded
00:11 <WireFTLpony> She doooooo
00:11 <Retl> but the thing is it’s just a letdown waiting to happen
00:12 <Retl> She’ll take off the armor and them BAM
00:12 <Retl> normal size
00:12 <Retl> And I’ll be all like
00:12 <Retl> 😐 PUT IT BACK ON
00:12 <WireFTLpony> a powersuit like hers could be multiple CM thick
00:12 <Retl> In real life, maybe
00:12 <Retl> In cartoons, I have no idea
00:12 <WireFTLpony> since it has systems _in_ it
00:12 <Retl> YAY SYSTEMS
00:13 <Retl> wait what systems
00:13 <Retl> does it have an explosion generator
00:13 <Retl> hot
00:13 <WireFTLpony> I apologize for booty rocking

[More time passes]

00:22 <Retl> http://alorix.deviantart.com/art/Fallout-Equestria-Ghost-Of-The-Wasteland-448301781 claws and crotches. I should like. go make endless diamonddog / hellhound / sanddog characters
00:22 <Retl> and they will never wear pants
00:22 <Retl> ever
00:23 <Wirepony> pants are for assholes
00:23 <Wirepony> and the covering thereof >.>
00:23 <Retl> And like because of NOT DYING they will wear super fancy armor from the waist up. But that’s never going to get drawn ever
00:23 <Retl> …
00:23 <Retl> unless it’s super-massive-thigh-power-armor
00:23 <Wirepony> …
00:23 <Retl> but it only comes up to like. Just below the buttocks or something
00:23 <Wirepony> armored thigh-highs?

[The above was noted so that I don’t forget to eventually make one of those bipedal doggie creatures with POWER ARMORED THIGH HIGHS prominently displayed crotch and optional top garments. Probably not for PnP, but for SOMETHING]

What I did: Flailed at code with partners for an hour and a half. Figured out a process for importing the new, improved models. Did not commit those changes. Partner discovered a bug where script references persisted in unity after a scene was destroyed (we mistakenly believed having all gameobjects destroyed would destroy the script instances with it) when references were given to events by listeners. To resolve it, we purge all listeners when the scene ends.

Also, today was fried chicken day at the cafeteria again. Or Cougar Den or whatever it’s called. Not sure I ever mentioned, but every day that the cafeteria serves fried chicken, the place is jam-packed, it’s incredibly difficult to find a free seat without basically hovering over someone waiting for them to leave, and it’s not uncommon to run out of plates or cups while going through the serving lines. Was mostly tasty though.

Had a moment where I questioned why the dead things we cook and eat (like fried chicken) don’t really look like muscle and flesh and blood vessels and stuff. Later asked on IRC. Someone pointed out that meat for food has the blood drained away, making the vessels less visible, and meats like steak are almost entirely muscle.

Our ‘record and playback maze solver’ bot was finally completed and worked successfully. Though it was very much prone to misalignment since the playback did not response to whisker-touch-detection, and one had to physically pick up the robot and place it back as close as they can to where they believed the original start position to be.

Experimented with Dreamweaver in Digital Multimedia. It’s OK. Maybe nice for filling content, but in general I’d rather just have a text editor to keep the html tidy and manageable instead of generating DOZENS OF LINES OF CRAP when I wanted to just have a video tag and a source. I like the WYSIWYG editing in WordPress and whatnot just fine, but I never bother to look at the source there, and don’t plan on having to tweak or manually maintain that section.

Drew some more doodles. Reminded I’m still not too happy with the familiar look anymore. Didn’t reboot to Ubuntu where I have drivers for my scanner, so I haven’t scanned it yet. Calling these people back about this job tomorrow. For certain. Because there’s only two weeks left, and if they wait much more to confirm the work, I’ll be graduated before I can start. 😡

Now Saving: Spoiled

Through a string of unlikely timed events, I ended up getting a chance to preview a story I like and give feedback on it.

But it accidentally pressed some of my FFuel buttons and then I ended up drawing smutty pictures of a character from that preview. Which I technically can share- it wouldn’t be immediately obvious what I had scene- but probably shouldn’t, because I’d be doing it due to foreknowledge. So uh. Stuff.

Meant to do coding stuff today, but writing up the feedback took a good 3 hours going paragraph by paragraph through a TtS file that would have been only apprx 40m long listened straight through. And then drawing the saucy pictures was another 2 hours of doodling on paper because apparently I forgot how to draw fillies.  And I spent some time chatting on IRC while eating and watching Youtube… And now it’s bed time. And by ‘bed” I mean “I’m going to play Brave Frontier until I run out of energy”.

I felt kinda awkward doing the feedback thing at first. I know I’m not the best representative of the target audience the story was aimed at. My tastes are quirky and fringe for their niche and I value a good laugh far more than a well rendered plot. But after I made absolutely sure the writer was aware of my skewed tastes, I had fun. Kept most of my comments between a pair of text files. Might share them in the future. And that future would be at least a week out from the story being made public.

OF COURSE. Now this means I am ‘spoiled’ and I can’t play the speculation game anymore until it’s done, because I have the foreknowledge. And I don’t want to ruin things for others.

Also went to class and ate and stuff. Had Spicy Italian Subway sub on jack bread for dinner. Was tasty.

Oh Hey, You Found My Blog. Congrats.