Category Archives: Daily


Drew some stuff. Didn’t scan it yet.  Had a number of people approach me about team members for my project pitch for Games II. Talked with team members for SSE. We still haven’t named our game, but are leaning towards Resource Rivalry. Worked on design doc and timing worksheet and whatnots. Bought candy. Nomming now.


doodly_by_retl-d737gup (1)


Tired. Drew Sandy. Did Classes. Played Skullgirls  for 15m.

Jan 21 23:29:03 <Retl> Man I had an interesting time in robotics today. We were blazing through the programming portion until we hit a problem where our robot simply couldn’t turn while everyone else’s robot was working fine
Jan 21 23:29:38 <Retl> Turns out waaaaay early on in the construction of the thing, we used a 7unit axel instead of an 8unit axel. Just enough for everything to FIT but not enough for the entire servo to spin the wheel
Jan 21 23:30:19 <Retl> So we spent half of an hour taking it apart trying to see if we had busted motors, then another 15 once we found out it was actually the axel, not the motor. and by that point we were so far behind everyone else that people now had their robots going around racetracks
Jan 21 23:30:35 <Retl> And I’m like
Jan 21 23:30:45 <Retl> CHEATER UNICORN MAG-no I didn’t actually say that
Jan 21 23:31:36 * NitoKa pats Retl
Jan 21 23:32:01 <Retl> Seriously though, that’s making an extremely minor mistake with all of the parts neatly sorted in a box to pick and choose from
Jan 21 23:32:13 <Retl> Imagine trying to build a robot in the wasteland where nothing is labeled and everything is juryrigging
Jan 21 23:32:16 <Retl> Or whatever the term is
Jan 21 23:32:23 <NitoKa> thats the right term
Jan 21 23:32:55 <Retl> Anyway
Jan 21 23:33:35 <Retl> I was trying to draw a Hellhound/DiamondDog pup for an acquaintence/friend/person. I didn’t like how it was going so I GAVE UP ON THAT and then just drew it like I usually draw anthro type characters
Jan 21 23:34:12 <Retl> But I just can’t figure out what’s going on with the diamond dog faces in the show. I see that their lower jaw is far more prominant than the upper portion of their mouth. But when I draw it, it looks freaking janky
Jan 21 23:34:32 <Retl> I point this out to you because hau du eye feex
Jan 21 23:34:44 * InsanebowDash has quit (Quit: Buh bye now.)
Jan 21 23:35:13 <Retl> Uh wait frig did I ever post the link
Jan 21 23:35:19 * Retl goes to- oh yeah I did
Jan 21 23:35:21 * Retl tired





Awesome day. Yet. Boring day.

Briefly toyed around with FLStudio. Drew some Puppysmiles. Washed clothes. Spent most of the day having fun on the #FalloutEquestria IRC channel chat.  Tried a 20 minute fic-writing challenge which can be found here: /?p=46 Finished reading Fallout Equestria: Better Days up to current chapter (So I went from 7-12.) Read Fallout Equestria: The Long Winter chapters 1 and 2.

Confirmed for FoE PnP session this Wednesday afternoon. Hopefully I won’t ruin everything. Also confirmed a meeting this Wednesday night with the RA, which means I have to leave the play session early. And that’s gonna be awkward and not leave a great first impression. I also got to chat lots and lots with one of my favorite FoE  sidestory authors who had a day off today, and ramble a bit with another FoE sidestory author who experiments with lotsa things and is neat. I had fun, but don’t feel like I got much done.

I kinda didn’t feel like doing the daily blogpost today, but I guess I kinda like typing. Or something. And WordPress’s drag and drop upload is very convenient.



(I cheated and actually spent 23 minutes on this.)

As I glanced at the gift, then back to the mare who was offering it to me, I felt an odd shiver run down my spine. Like something was wrong about this, to be accepting what amounted to a symbol of adulthood with all the trappings of a friendly birthday exchange. I knew what it was before I unwrapped it.

A Pipbuck.  A slim, sleek pink ring of heavily enchanted plastic, measure to right right around a pony’s foreleg. Three large balloon-shaped buttons: two blue sandwiching the yellow in the middle of the row. A clear-as-ice rotillary dial flush with the upper rim. A particularlly shiny and oh-so-eyecatching section of the panel which was clearly intended to reduce that area’s magical insulation.

“Happy Birthday, Memory Editor! And congratulations on getting your cutie mark. You’re now officially an adult member of this Stable!” I thought Code Breaker, and how proud she’d be. I thought of Game Shark, and how he’d mouth off at length about the technical features of the device, and explaining how grateful I should be that such things were around for mere ponies to experience. I felt cold again. My unease must have been showing, as Catch Exception spoke up.

“I know it’s hard, having to do this so soon, but you’ll be fine. It’s in your blood. They would be proud. ” As if I didn’t know.  “And you’re not being given this to replace them-” Oh really? Then why me? Why today? “- but you have a special task ahead of you today that calls for your particular talent.” So you want meme to do what my Mom used to do? How swell. Wait, that’s not how this ceremony usually goes.

“Wait, what?” I started to slip the Pipbuck onto my hoof. It slipped smoothly up my left foreleg until I stopped. I felt a brief squeeze as the resizing talisman worked its magic, then a momentary prick, a small electric tingle that ran from my hoof to my heart then all around. And there went the overlays, one after another, displays informing me of my physical condition, my equipment, and a compass all started to pop into view with a rosey pink tint. Just like in the simulator, but quite a bit faster.

“Head to room 2B. From there, you’ll get your house-clone, your next special present, and from there just do what your Pipbuck says. ”

New Quest Added: Cheaters Never Prosper

Objective: Report to room 2B to be given your next parting gift and instructions. Good luck, Emmy.

“Well, fragbasket!”




Memo: THERE ARE NO BUSSES ON THE 1PM HOUR ON WEEKENDS. Also. Dunno if I wanna do dailys on weekends.

Little to report.

Met with SSE  teammate at 4 worked out a game idea and collaborative Google Doc in 1.5h in the library. Some concept notes. I need to scan the hand-written notes.

Chatted up a few fellows on Fimfiction. Got hyped about FoE Better Days again. Paused my reread of PH and Heroes to read chapters 7 and 8 of Better Days. They’re neat characters, and kinda remind me of the chars in FoE Ashes.

Wrote a few paragraphs from the perspective of a mid-war Ministry of Morale worker tearing himself down for young ponies, but trying to build himself up with a moral pillar from what must be his virtue. Hesitant to continue writing it or release it for the questionable subject matter.


inexplicablemychballoonfuns thatponyforsawyer-itwaslaterchanged Puppysmilesdrawnfromeverangle

Finally scanned these pencil sketches. I’ll probably do a Tumblr post about it in a second. Also have some pics on my EP121 that I need to get on-site.

Got my clothes back. Read the current chapter of Project Horizons 3 more times. Went to Multimedia, Robotics, and Senior Software Engineering.  Now have a group for SSE and we’re all games track, so we can make a game for that project. Gotta make a pitch and get a group for Games Programming II (I’ve got an idea. Just need to commit it to page). Not sure how group-assignment will work for Robotics and Multipedia. I’ll worry about those when I get there.

Bought Icebreakers mints. They taste nice.

Gonna resume PH reread at some point.


The whatnots:

Tomorrow I:

A) Can’t eat until after I get bloodwork done. Need to be checked for cholesterol and potential diabetes.

B) Move into residence halls again. Yay!

C) Go to first day of classes. This would be much easier if I make time to print the schedule.

D) Talk to advisor to make sure I can graduate this term.

E) Make sure everything is paid on properly

F) Fill out Deferment forms and contact the registrar to have it faxed to the proper people.

G) Work on commissions

H) Eat at some point. Also, don’t die.


Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons  Reread Progress:

34 – Birthday: Oh hey, Littlepip actually gets to do some stuff with Blackjack. FUN! And Blackjack gets her instruction manual thingy going.

35 – Learning: In which some random pony inexplicably (it gets explained much later in the story) explodes! Yay explosions! Also, the second portion of hanging out with the FoE vanilla crew.  Also, Hangovers.

36 – Victims: Now we’re back into the hoof, and things just brutal.  There’s some deaths in this one, but it’s no Scoodle.

37 – Winning and Losing: Another huge shift in the state of multiple party members due to the influence of Killing Joke. Also, my favorite series of explosions in the fic.