Tag Archives: overmare

Quicksave: Overmare


I still probably need to retitle this thing sooner rather than later and piece together a decent concept doc. Anyway, that Name Generator thing I linked a while back? I’ve been working on that for the past three or so days. The name generation dictionaries are still kinda lax and not-great, but slowly things are starting to almost become a playable thing. Characters can be made and renamed. They get hungry/thirsty/sleepy… But they can’t eat, and can’t die.  And once a new character is made, they cannot be selected again…

But Retl, what happened to Bunny Bounce, and that shooting game, and those games you made for classes? I’ve shelved them all for the time being.They require a lot more work invested into graphical assets that I do not have the patience to do alone. Which is why the focus on ‘Overmare’ so far.  Less graphics needed to function, and if I really need to, I can add graphical elements later.

Today: Characters now report ALL skills, they are generated with an age and sex, they get hungry/thirsty/drowsy over time, and time auto-advanced, but can be disabled in the sidebar menu.