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Today I: Worked on a video explaining how I usually go about an average college day. (If you wanted to watch it for whatever reason, it is here. ) My first time using my Plantronics Gamecom headset mic for recording audio, and it’s both a big step up from any mic I’ve used before, and a bit of a worrying shift for me in terms of sensitivity. Heck, the thing even picks up my mouseclicks and breathing fairly well. Weirds me out.

The imagery for the video is slapped-together snapshot photos from when I’m out and about and brief videos when I remembered “Oh right I have a video assignment in like a week, I should record what I’m doing”. I ordered the videos in Pitivi video editor… then realized I didn’t have transition effects that I wanted without installing another package. So then I renamed all the photos and videos based on my outline in Pitivi, and then copied it to my Windows partition, rebooted, and recreated the timeline with Windows Movie Maker. Then I recorded the audio with Audacity stepping through how I usually get through a day with the goal of walking through it in such a fashion to at least roughly match my image outline. I did a little bit of editing to remove some easy background noise and a number of ‘um’s (I still missed plenty, apparently). CaptainHoers gave me some tips on how to knock down volume or clip out microphone bumps so that it’s less jarring, so I tried it a few times.  Put that edited audio with the video and used audiosettings to give ‘music’ full emphasis and none of the in-video audio. Rendered that to mp4 and did a handful of conversions before posting it to to the assignment dropbox and Youtube.

Didn’t get Carb Sick today. But I still had the grits. Maybe this time it was the size of the portion that helped? I made a point of leaving the cafeteria immediately after I finished my first plate.

No drawing was done. No coding was done. Spent a little more time flailing around at the IRC chat than I intended to. Probably gonna go ahead and post Blow Ups over to dA after I finish writing this post. Maybe to fimfic as well. Not sure yet.
