I don’t know a practical way of implementing it, but what if all those Youtube Let’s Plays and whatnot of different video-games were bonus content that became available when a person buys a copy of the game featured inf the video?
Played around with Lua some more. Installed Lua 5.2 on Ubuntu. Wrote a short loop thingy that takes input until the user types ‘quit’. Meant to work it in Computercraft but never logged into Minecraft to try it there. I might make a text adventure or something, but I also sorta wanted to make a text-based combat game. If I wanna do that, I first need to figure out a way to implement timing in Lua. Briefly looked at a 2D game programming library for Lua https://love2d.org but did not install it.
Got no productive work done on TSHE, S45, or Resonance. Played some Awesomenauts. Still trying to adjust to the idea that PnP day is now on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays.
Watched some Youtube. Played some Candy Crush. Candy Crush is frustrating.
Rendered this thing in Digital Multimedia on Tuesday. I did not make these textures.