I borrowed money using the current Affirm payment plan and got a Quest 3. This was probably not the wisest decision as I’ve already kinda stretched by budget a bit, but current resolve is to offload at least two of my guitars and use that money to pay down other fees.
That, and the Quest 3 is a *signficant* step up from the Quest 2 in terms of feel and convenience (I can actually see my phone without taking the thing off!? Wow!), so I fully intend to be spending more time using Quest 3 for actual work.
Got some other ideas I’m toying with. Still sorta want to explore what doing a VN in VR is like. Still sorta want to try turning Bubble Menace into a short free rail-shooter style experience. And I want to do more VR Sculpting. (Right now, ShapeLab 2024 is giving me a bunch of issue refusing to get past the initial loading screen on Linux, while Kodon works GREAT and feels SO GOOD to work in… but loading any of the files I made in it takes an extremely long time. I feel *very* sure that once I find or create a 3D modeling tool that works smoothly for me in VR, that will probably almost entirely replace the role 2D sketching currently has in my life. drawing on paper or screen tablets is a very useful skill, but it’s been more than a decade since I was able to say that I enjoyed the process for the process so much as enduring the process for the outcomes.)
I think it’s possible to do VR streams. I recall having tried a few times in the past. Once I start feeling cozy and settled in I’ll probably give it a go again with the new kit. Though I just realized I have to get ALVR and Developer Mode all setup on this new headset and make sure it works as well as it was with the Quest 2. What I found out from a lot of tinkering about today is that while ALVR has oddly high lag when playing 2D games in VR, playing the actual for-VR applications/games in Stream VR via ALVR often works very well, even over the WIFI. I know it’s possible to route that network traffic over USB to make the connection even more reliable, but I haven’t had success with that on Pop OS yet.
Aaaaand, I think that’s about it for today? I actually spent quite a lot of time in VR today and am very pleased about it. I’d like to show off the little sculpt doodle I did in KODON when I figure out how to actually get it to load.

(Pretty sure it’s already done loading within the first minute, but the prompt just won’t move to let me see and verify.)