Started working on Skills prototype object for game vaguely based on PnP. Makes more sense for human readers.
Relistened to FoE Heroes audiobook from ch 16 – ch 25.
Sorted mother’s meds into the pill sorts. One med will be out tomorrow. The other will be out on Sunday night.
Leveled more chars to 11 in Tera. Loaded an old char and found an entire quest leftover from before that is impossible to complete anymore. Not sure if I plan to play much more.
Unlocked Thunder Bow in Brave Frontier. Crafted two of them. Progress in the arena has gone much easier since.
Planning on doing an art livestream for someone tomorrow if all goes well. It’ll be an interesting experiment. Might not use mic, as my AC is loud, and it will very likely be running as I draw.
Still sore to the touch in the spots that were hurt yesterday when trying to make the niece’s pool work.