Now Saving: Spoiled

Through a string of unlikely timed events, I ended up getting a chance to preview a story I like and give feedback on it.

But it accidentally pressed some of my FFuel buttons and then I ended up drawing smutty pictures of a character from that preview. Which I technically can share- it wouldn’t be immediately obvious what I had scene- but probably shouldn’t, because I’d be doing it due to foreknowledge. So uh. Stuff.

Meant to do coding stuff today, but writing up the feedback took a good 3 hours going paragraph by paragraph through a TtS file that would have been only apprx 40m long listened straight through. And then drawing the saucy pictures was another 2 hours of doodling on paper because apparently I forgot how to draw fillies. ย And I spent some time chatting on IRC while eating and watching Youtube… And now it’s bed time. And by ‘bed” I mean “I’m going to play Brave Frontier until I run out of energy”.

I felt kinda awkward doing the feedback thing at first. I know I’m not the best representative of the target audience the story was aimed at. My tastes are quirky and fringe for their niche and I value a good laugh far more than a well rendered plot. But after I made absolutely sure the writer was aware of my skewed tastes, I had fun. Kept most of my comments between a pair of text files. Might share them in the future. And that future would be at least a week out from the story being made public.

OF COURSE. Now this means I am ‘spoiled’ and I can’t play the speculation game anymore until it’s done, because I have the foreknowledge. And I don’t want to ruin things for others.

Also went to class and ate and stuff. Had Spicy Italian Subway sub on jack bread for dinner. Was tasty.