Awesomenauts Patch 2.3 came out with the new character Penny. So I’ve been playing that for the past three or four hours.
Other: Made progress in robotics attempting to create a robot that can solve a maze and replay the solution. turns out we were working on the assumption that memory was persistant after reboot, but after running the debug tool a few times we found that we couldn’t retain the information on the path traveled after turning it off and on, so now we have a pushbutton to kick the robot into replay mode without powering down.
Memory limitations are the roughest bit of the bot though. We seem to be hitting the limit on our array of bytes at about 22 entries. We’re using bytes instead of ย of words because we can check distance traveled for a good 5-10 seconds before we hit an overflow, which is much less than the approx 40 seconds we’re getting from a word without cutting the array length to 11. Which is important, since the array length corresponds to the number of turns we can make until the robot ‘gives up’.
Also, I finally managed to complete SimSE with a passing score of 92, and submitted the newest worksheet to the team member who’s handling that. Friday’s work should be split between SSE project Resonance, and G2 proje- oh wait no I take that back. I have a micro-project in Digital Multimedia that needs to get done first.
Oh. And revised my resume. Again. Got a third confirmation that yes, I should in-fact be revising my resume, and the advice ย getting is more for the sake of readibility, not to make THE PERFECT OMFG RESUME INSTAJOB. Still not liking the feel or thought of this whole jobhunting thing, but it’s a thing that’s going to happen. I’ll worry about it when I get there.
And I had Wirepony do editing for Blow Ups, which I linked yesterday, and then I wrote an additional few paragraphs near the ending. That’ll be going up on Stable 45 soonish (Tomorrow, maybe?)
HEARTBLEED EXPLOIT IS A THING THAT HAPPENED. Check to see if sites you use have been affected, if they have been, check if they’ve updated. If they have updated to a version not affected by the exploit, change your password.
That is. You probably should if you value the account. I realize that’s not always an easy thing to commit to.