- Something something Ghosts Never Grow. Half baked ideas for a comic I’ll never actually draw. It’s Sandy from Fallout: Equestria – Better Days in some AU incarnation. And some really janky looking anthros.

It was a fun day. Got a bunch of coding done and learned some new tricks. Also met with adviser and passed in a revised resume. ย I’ll admit, I’m not pleased to learn I should customize it for each job applied for, but I’ll live.
Looked around at pics of Fluttershy and whatnot for about an hour and a half on Derpibooru. I think I kinda-sorta get the appeal of the character now, but I think I’m just biased after spending two hours drawing her being a silly filly. Still not my favorite pony, but one who contributes more to the group than I typically give them credit for.
Was fairly pleased with the day in general, even if I’m not sure why.