I swear I remember these blogs being more fun in the past.

(Tumblr will only show the thumbnail. Fullsize is in the full post.)
Minor tweaks to the physics in Burst Party on Stable45. Half-way wrote one of the stories but haven’t added it to the site yet.
Added status indicators to units in Resonance. Found out that Unity3D supports MessagePassing and Message Broadcasting, so I can reduce the level of forced coupling between classes ย if the code I need to communicate with is a gameObject component or a child-gameObject’s component. So instead of saying
public GameObject directReferenceToSomeGameObject; //You assign the object in particular via Unity3D's inspector. - Moore VerySpecificScriptType theScript = directReferenceToSomeGameObject.getComponent<VerySpecificScriptType>(); theScript.MethodIWantedToUse(someValue);
I was able to use
BroadcastMessage("MethodIWantedToUse", someValue, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); //Not requiring a receiver is optional, but it silences some errors if you know you don't need a response. When trying to test, it's probably not going to help to disable the errors, though.
Which is nice. If for whatever reason a level designer tweaks the scene but doesn’t put in the status indicators or whatever other object that we expected to have VerySpecificScriptType, the code will still run without having to run for a coder to fix it. It also means if anyone wanted to have a different kind of gameObject handle MethodIWantedToUse(someValue), they just slap on another MonoBehavior that has the method name somewhere in there as a component for the announcing GameObject (for SendMessage) or as a component of a child (BroadcastMessage). Though I’m pretty sure there’s a performance hit for being less direct, and it can be a nightmare to troubleshoot if the message has a mistyped argument as the message will simply fail and not be responded to instead of claiming the method doesn’t exist / has wrong arguments.
And PnP was today. I showed up 2 hours late, arrived in a combat, and didn’t really have any productive role in combat, so occasional Get Bonus made some silly comments and stuff. It was alright. Spent a lot of that downtime playing SpiritStones on my Android smartphone in the background. Makes me want to try developing for Android a bit more.
Though apparently Get Bonus has a relative ย named Get Laid hanging out somewhere in New Unicornia’s House of Ill Repute (Which I had been misreading/writing as “respite” for two or three weeks now until I just looked it up on urban dictionary seconds ago. ) Whether or not they’re at all related to Get Lost is still up in the air.
Rewatched some of the season 1 episodes of MLPFiM. I don’t like it as much as I used to. Don’t know why.