Read Fallout: Equestria – Viva Las Pegasus chapters 1-3. Worked on some github stuff for Snr. Soft. Eng. Went to robotics (finished our team bot early), Multimedia, and Srn. Soft. Eng. classes. Spent some time on FoE IRC. Made a script to hide an annoying Derpibooru ad.
Some drama on the FoEIRC and a rules change. A TON of changeling stuff going on in Equestrian Dawn, which has fairly much cemented the idea that it’s not for me anymore. Did some reading up on including Javascript in SVG to perform animations. Trying to work on some stuff I read up on last night. Trying to figure out if I can draw SVG to a canvas context. Gonna play a match or two of Awesomenauts and then work on the game thingy a little more. Then sleep.
Might be another freezeover tonight. I hope not. Bought food just incase.