- Silver Storm and her daughter Foundation playing with balloons. Silver Storm is too heavy and strong to balance on hers without breaking it, but Foundation has no trouble.
Fanart for Fallout Equestria: Heroes.
Silver Storm and Foundation from <a href=”http://www.fimfiction.net/story/662/fallout-equestria-heroes”>Fallout Equestria: Heroes</a>. (At some non-specific time before the events of the story.)
Playing with balloons, which ended up in Marefort due to a merchant making an error during a transaction and having to get rid of them anyway. So now it’s theirs! And then the mother and daughter go and play whatever games they- mostly just Foundation- can come up with!
Naturally, almost all of these games involve Foundation winning and Silver losing. But that’s just the way of it.
Rougher WIP version can be viewed here: http://fav.me/d6zthf1
Drawn in Firealpaca on Windows 7 with an ASUS EP121 tablet. I was on the fence as to whether or not to give dialogue to the characters or to draw in sound effects. I’m still not entirely against it, but I’m kinda at my drawing limit for the night, so onto the ponynet the picture goes!
So uh. Yeah.
Also, Fallout Equestria: Heroes is currently in my top three favorite Fallout Equestria stories. It really picks up in funnies once Flare is introduced. And I already liked Serenity, so that certainly helps my fondness for it. Worth giving the fic a try. Here’s the audiobook:ย http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSEQqApx5CY&list=PLKEOfCxCcjYppvHA2zlA9vlNmRNnxnUr2